
Schiemer Financial

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I am proud to offer my six figure dividend stock / ADR (non-US foreign stocks, some OTC) / income ETF portfolio 6-figure spreadsheet with over 600 individual holdings and 30 high earning ETFs. I earn payments daily, weekly, and monthly and you will start earning income within 2 weeks (keep taxes in mind for many dividends and distributions considered income).

I have spent 5 years perfecting this portfolio that has performed well compared to the S&P 500 index and many other actively managed portfolios. I have made countless mistakes so you don't have to as a dividend income investor. It is also constantly evolving, so I will give you 1 updated spreadsheet within 1 year at your request if you purchase my portfolio, which is a cost of $500. I will even give you a spreadsheet of my 2nd smaller portfolio which is only U.S. dividend stocks (No ADRs or ETFs).

I am not a financial professional, and this portfolio is not financial advice. It is merely for education, inspiration, and entertainment.

FAQ For My Dividend Stock Portfolio Purchase 

Is This For The United States Or Worldwide? 

This portfolio will work best in the USA since ADRs and ETFs are usually different in other countries, even Canada. But you can usually by many of the same securities. You can always pick and choose which securities to invest in, and make changes any time, so that is up to you.

Am I Guaranteed To Make Money With Your Portfolio? 

No, there is no guarantee any investment will make money or even maintain its value. Even top financial professionals could never guarantee earnings, and if they do that is usually illegal. Any stock, ADR, ETF, CEF (I don't currently only any CEFs), or mutual fund could change at any moment to minimize or eliminate its dividend or distribution. 

Why Buy Your Portfolio? 

Learning to invest in the stock market can be very expensive, stressful, and full of mistakes. Over 20 years of business and 5 years of investing research / trial and error I have learned a lot about calculated risk, profitability, and passive income. Also, buying ETFs, CEFs, and mutual funds can have high expense ratios or fees. Same with investing with a financial advisor or broker. You could use just the dividend stocks with no fees involved and save a lot of costs. 

What Is In The Spreadsheet? 

Not very much honestly. A list of all my 600+ dividend stocks, ADR, and ETF holdings. I will include the weighted percentages of my largest holdings, but not necessarily every detail. If that is not good enough for your needs, then don't buy my stock portfolio. 

Do You Own Any Crypto? 

I do not currently own any cryptocurrency or Bitcoin directly since they don't pay dividends and are nearly impossible to time correctly, but I do have several ETFs with BTC and crypto exposure directly or indirectly.

Do I Need A 6-Figure Amount To Invest With? 

You don't since you can pro-rate the share amounts or pick and choose securities as needed. For example, if you only have $10,000 you could scale down my provided holdings by 10 or 20. It does help if your balance is six figures because you can then earn nearly a passive full-time income depending on how the market goes.

It It An Excel Spreadsheet Or Live Google Sheet? 

It is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for now. As I mentioned earlier, I will send you 1 updated spreadsheet within your first year after purchase since my portfolio is evolving daily or weekly. 

What Payments Do You Accept? 

I only accept PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, Cash, Or Check. I may be able to accept stock gifts or cryptocurrency as well to my old Robinhood account.

Are There Refunds? 

No refunds, all sales are final. I am not responsible in any way for financial losses or tax implications. 

Buy My Portfolio Spreadsheet Now


Schiemer Financial solutions are here to help you and your family achieve financial security and freedom. It is true that we need all the help we can get with our finances, investments, retirement planning, insurance, and much more. 

Why You Need To Make Your Money Work For You

Life is expensive and we need ways to improve our wealth and health. Starting and running a business is expensive or risky. That means you must optimize your financial management and earn additional income. There are many ways of achieving this, and technically no wrong way to do it, as long as it is done strategically. 

About Mike Schiemer Of Schiemer Financial

I don't claim to be a licensed, certified, or chartered financial professional or some investing oracle like Warren Buffett. But I have been a business owner part time or full time for around 20 years and bootstrapped all my companies or side hustles with no loans, debts, or investors. 

I have worked at a top financial services company working with stocks, closed-end funds, (CEF) and American Depository Receipts (ADR). I have worked with many financial companies in every sector. I have beaten the S&P 500 the majority of the years I have invested. I have made a significant amount of money on dividends and paid zero fees, aside from a few pennies on ADR holdings or negligible expense ratios on high dividend ETFs. I have been a former cryptocurrency and penny stock investor that actually made money instead of losing it. I personally manage two growing investment portfolios of mine that I like to refer to as the Schiemer Shares Dividend Domination Frugal Funds, although I am obviously not able to take on investors with them right now. 

In short, I have made companies millions of dollars, helped make individuals hundreds of thousands of dollars, and saved businesses countless amounts of cash. I want to do the same for you now in the USA, Canada, and beyond when applicable in 2024 and 2025.

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If you have ever talked with me for more than a few minutes, you will know I am very passionate about money. I am enthusiastic about earning it, saving it, investing it, diversifying it, insuring it, and protecting it. I want your money to work for you, and not the other way around. I want to grow my financial freedom and help you  do the same in any way that I am able with Schiemer Financial. 

I also simply like to share some of my thoughts and ideas with you in the world of finance. I hope some of these Schiemer Financial opportunities and resources will be of value to you on your financial journey. So either join my financial team or optimize your finances today! 

financial freedom secure personal finances

Additional Financial Opportunities & Resources 

More financial resources are coming soon for individuals and businesses including term life insurance, real estate, mutual funds, security, mortgages, senior health, and much more in the future! There are always ways for companies and individuals to save, earn, invest, or protect your money with Schiemer Financial solutions. 

Schiemer Financial works with some of the best companies in the financial industry including David Allen Capital, Bank Breezy, Giggle, SoFi, PayPal, Robinhood, and LiveGood to give you a wide variety of income protection or income earning opportunities. 

Also visit pages on Crypto, Forex, Loans, Investing, Real Estate & Insurance.

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Free Financial Resources And Blog Posts

These days it is imperative to be frugal when it comes to your finances, whether it is personal or business financials you are focusing on. Without proper financial discipline and management, your startup or small business will be destined to fall short. Your personal money management can go awry and your savings can turn into debt. Without adequate revenue generation or investment capital, it will be nearly impossible to expand your business or move up in the world financially. 

In today's shaky economy, frugal finance is more important than ever before for people and businesses. Many businesses, organizations, and individuals need financial assistance and education these days. Inflation is running rampant with no immediate end in sight and supply chains are still shaken up from recent events. Companies need to keep their heads above water financially speaking until volatility is reduced and the future is more predictable. If you don't have a financial plan as an individual or a business, you are planning to fail in finance. Financial failure is running rampant recently.

You need to know your numbers and stay on budget with your business bookkeeping! That same knowledge and discipline of accounting and budget management is also needed for successfully investing in other companies, stocks, funds, retirement accounts, real estate properties, bonds, forex, precious metals, and even cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Ethereum. You also need a working knowledge of fintech and blockchain to understand how digital money is changing everything in the new economy for 2024 and 2025.

Investment carries volatility and risk, but it is also risky now just to leave your money in a savings accounting accruing almost no interest and losing spending power monthly. You must save, be frugal, and invest strategically for overall financial success long-term. Luckily there are now high yield savings accounts that are safe options and FDIC insured up to $250,000 with 4% interest rates or slightly higher.

While they unfortunately don't teach this type of financial information in most schools, luckily there are plenty of free educational resources online to help with your frugal finances. You just need to know what websites and videos to trust when it comes to frugal finance. Unbiased and objective common sense financial insights are key to help your money work harder for you with frugal finances in 2024. Financial education is a must in today's society of price-gouging, scams, inflation, interest rates, poverty mindsets, and open theft.

The global economy is starting to crumble under the pressure of health crises, inflation, crime, natural disasters, climate change, greed, supply chain disruptions, and political instability. Practicing frugal finances and masterful money management may be your only way to survive and thrive in the new economy. 

Discussing finances and money are often frowned upon and are even considered impolite or taboo. We don't feel that way at all here and you will find every kind of financial topic discussed below. If a person or business wants to achieve financial freedom in today's day and age, all options must be considered. There is no cookie cutter approach to financial success any longer with today's economics in the 2024 market.

At Schiemer Financial we work to help your financial future. Frugal Finance is our specialty because it never hurts to maximize every penny spent and saved. Here are some great frugal finance articles to help maintain your own financial fitness, avoid financial scams, grow your ROI, minimize liability, and improve the frugal finances of your company for 2024:

Frugal Finance Money Management Articles

- How To Find Collectible Coins In Slot Machines

- The Advantages Of Trading Bitcoin On Peer-To-Peer Markets

- Bitcoin Games You Can Play At Crypto Casinos 

- How To Use BTC In Online Casinos 

- The Best Way To Play The Stock Market Successfully

- Why Technical Analysis Isn't Enough For Stock Trading

- Is Cryptocurrency The Future Of Hedge Funds?

- The Cost To Start Trading In The Stock Market 

- Beginner Basics For Stock Marketing Investing 

- How To Profit From Pre-Market Trading

- The Heiken Ashi Stock Market Investing Strategy 

- How To Invest In A Business Not Your Own

- Guide To Savings Money At Your Startup

5 Startup Business Models 

- Which Payment Methods Should Your Business Accept?

- 4 Uncommon But Critical Areas Of Frugal Finances

How To Grow Your Business Debt Free 

- 30 Lessons In Business By Age 30 

- X-Fortunes Reviewed

"Money Never Sleeps"

Personalities & Authorities On Finance

Keep your finances frugal my friends with Schiemer Financial solutions. It is important to master your money and make it work for you! And make sure to join me on the Robinhood trading platform to earn your free share of stock or crypto, or at Social Finance (SoFi). Find your frugality and fortune! Get started growing your portfolio today for frugal finance fortunes in 2024 and 2025 with Schiemer Financial Services And Finance Solutions!

I am not currently a licensed, chartered or certified finance professional. I am not a stockbroker, financial advisor, financial planner, lawyer, attorney, accountant, insurance broker, or tax professional. I am merely a passionate investor, saver, and entrepreneur that has had overall financial and business success over many years. Consult with a financial professional before purchasing any financial products or creating any investment activity. All investments carry risk, all financial plans are different, and all businesses are not guaranteed to generate income. No income claims are being made here and all business ventures require risk. Most financial opportunities only apply to United States or Canada residents and may not be available to US or Canadian citizens.

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