In the near past, cash was king. People paid for everyday purchases with paper money or checks, which are equivalent to cash. If they had credit cards, they saved them for big and rare purchases. However, nowadays, some people never carry cash because credit cards are accepted almost everywhere. Who wants to risk their wad of cash being lost or stolen anyways?
Suppose you are not yet accustomed to using your credit cards. In that case, you might want to change your mind because a credit card is a powerful financial tool if you use it responsibly. There are many benefits of paying with a credit card. For example, it allows you to pay for expenses without cash. It makes it less stressful to cover emergency expenses. In addition, credit cards are secure and convenient. It is much better to pay with them than with a debit card because, in that way, you keep cash transactions to a minimum.
Here is how you can benefit from your credit cards.
Safer Option
A credit card is better than a debit one in terms of fraud. For instance, when you use a debit card, you could lose the money in your account easily. Moreover, if fraud happens, someone may quickly take everything from your account. On the other hand, you can benefit from included protection from fraud with credit cards. Besides, most leading credit cards, such as the American Express platinum credit card, nowadays have alert systems that notify users of fraud and free card control security in place. Therefore, you can detect fraud easily and quickly. Moreover, with a credit card, you typically need to put in a Personal Identification Number (so-called PIN) when paying, making your transactions safer. If you want more security, consider adding your credit card to your mobile wallet and purchasing with your mobile device. A mobile wallet enables a safer, touchless, cleaner, and faster way to pay your expenses. Plus, it is safer than using a physical card and still provides you with an opportunity to earn on mobile transactions, just like with a "real" credit card.
Perks For Online Purchasing
If you opt for online shopping, there is nothing better than using credit cards, especially AMEX Platinum credit cards. For instance, there are online shops like David Jones that offer almost everything you need: luxury designer products, women's and men's clothing, shoes, accessories, gifts, products for kids, electrical products, food, etc. Moreover, David Jones American Express Platinum and other credit cards offer a lot of advantages, such as receiving exclusive invitations to designer events, the collection launch previews, and more. You can also travel in style with two passes to the American Express Airport Lounge per year and complimentary travel insurance when booking your return trip on your card. In addition, with the David Jones AMEX Platinum card, you can earn four reward points per dollar spent at David Jones, three reward points per dollar spent at petrol stations and major supermarkets, and one reward point per dollar spent everywhere else. Moreover, by looking into the David Jones American Express contact info, you’ll see there are complimentary services and exclusive services for Platinum Card Members, including alterations on men's and women's apparel purchased in store, excluding David Jones Bridal and priority delivery.
Positive Credit History
Although credit cards have a bad reputation sometimes, they are among the best ways to improve your credit. When using a debit card, the money is taken straight from your account, which is not considered a credit line. On the other hand, credit cards are a part of your credit report. If you regularly charge your credit card and pay off the debt, you can build credit quickly. In other words, that will help you to boost your credit score. With a better credit score, you will be able to make the most of your financial possibilities in the future.
Credit Cards Track Your Spending
No matter how you spend your money, tracking your budget can be challenging. Especially difficult is finding out where the cash went. However, with credit cards, every detail shows up online on your account almost in real-time. Moreover, many issuers automatically categorize shopping, and categories can identify purchases on credit cards.
In addition, most major issuers let you generate reports to see how much you have spent in different categories monthly, annually, or for a period you specify. You can also use budgeting apps and, in that way, import data from your bank and credit card accounts. That makes it easier to fit each purchase into a budget category and find out where you were overspending your money.
Credit Card Conclusion
As you can conclude, paper money is ancient history because plastic credit cards provide many opportunities and advantages. Some of them enable you to maximize rewards on purchases you have already made, make you feel safe, and protect you if your card is misused, lost, or stolen. Besides, they help you build a healthy credit score and help you make a positive credit history. Credit cards also provide many other flexibilities and make your purchasing experience unique.