Want to master selling on Amazon? See below our Amazon product ranking for SEO and sales success. Updated May 19, 2021.
Amazon, the world’s e-commerce juggernaut shows no signs of slowing down in its magnanimous rise to dominance as an online marketplace. Learn below about Amazon FBA products, SEO for your amazon products and more for 2021 ecommerce ranking.

Amazon SEO Article Content Outline
• SEO for Amazon
• Amazon Ranking Factors
• Sales velocity
• Keywords
• Amazon FBA product listing
• Listing Key elements
• Optimising Amazon FBA product listings
• Product Photography
• Ratings and views
SEO For Amazon

Just like search engines and the World Wide Web, Amazon routinely crawls the millions of product listings to provide consumers with tailored results for their product searches.
Amazon’s own search engine has a key algorithm, Amazon A9, which directs how your product will rank on the site. Amazon’s search engine differs from the major search engines as it is solely focused on the products sold via Amazon. The search engine is reported to take into account human factors alongside business and performance metrics to pull and display popular products with great sales.
Your product listings can be optimised to rank more effectively in relevant product enquiries. With Amazon being the no. 1 place for shopping online globally you cannot afford a product that is not optimized for Amazon A9.
Amazon also outperforms Google for product searches, to the degree that reliance on Google, Bing and Yahoo alone may leave you deficient in sales over time. Devising and implementing a sound Amazon SEO strategy is an important and necessary method for mastering selling on Amazon.
What Factors Make Products Rank On Amazon?
As with search engines, Amazon keeps the specifics of its search algorithm a closely guarded secret, but there is an industry insider knowledge that can point to key factors that will affect if and how a product ranks on Amazon with Amazon.com SEO.
1 Rate Of Sales Or Sales Velocity
This is number of page impressions your product gets multiplied by average sale and the conversion rate. The sum is then divided by the sales length cycle. Here's an example:
If you have a $10 product, with 2,000 opportunities to make a sale within 30 days and a 5% conversion rate your sales velocity will be: 2,000 x $10 x 0.05 = 1000 now divide this number by the 30 day sales period – 1000/30 = 33.3 . 33.3 is your sales velocity – you make $33.3 every day from selling your product. Both you and amazon want this number to be as high as possible. The more money your product brings and the more frequently it is sold the better it will rank.
2. Keywords
Yes. Keywords are back. Just like the web search engines Amazon will need to know what you are selling and relate it to the products customers search for. If you are a Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) vendor you will be familiar with just how much information Amazon requires for a product description including title, images, a bullet point breakdown of the product, a long-form product description and categorization.
This is all crawled by the Amazon A9 bots who will connect your product details with what users search for.
Yesterday I wanted to buy a steam iron. I typed into Amazon steam iron. Amazon delivered a whole host of results which were essentially a trawl of their database for the best steam irons according to the shopping behavior of other shoppers.
The Russell Hobbs My Iron I purchased was on the first page. It was a well- reviewed, fast moving product and named My iron’ – helped a lot didn’t it? As I make the purchase the A9 algorithm will further adjust to include my choice making the iron I purchased that little bit more prominent in the search results.
So you can see that keywords and sales velocity will enhance rankings for products. Essentially you want to help Amazon A9 with this process as much as possible.
Anatomy Of An Amazon FBA Product Listing
To get to grips with Amazon SEO you will need to ensure that every element of your Amazon product listing is fully optimised for the search engine bots. By doing this you are helping Amazon provide better quality relevant results to the users who search for products like yours.
If your products meet the requirements of relevant consumer searches it will sell and both you and Amazon will make money. Amazon will in turn give you increasing rankings, which for you is a good deal.
Better Quality Relevant Results
Understand that every part of your Amazon product listing can aid in advancing your product rankings so do not leave anything to chance. It is amazing how much information and sales is crammed into each and every listing.
Indeed, the product listings template has been crafted by user-experience experts and takes into account user behaviour and reading habits, how online content is read, the order in which information is processed and attention span.
The product listing has been designed accordingly with prominent product photos above the fold on the left followed by titles and the buy box on the right for immediate purchase.
If the purchase is not immediate further sales information is delivered – including delivery, other options and the bullet point summary. If the product is passed by, lower down the page competitor products are offered as well as offers, Q&A and reviews.
The Key Elements
Customers want and need to see your product, so it is no surprise that Amazon is visually rich. This a key way a customer will know if a search is correct.
Product Title
The title should confirm relevancy to the consumer.
Amazon Badges And Awards
Leading or best-selling products in their category are given awards.
Product Rating
Customer feedback and reviews are collated and summarized into an overall average star rating.
Price, Prime, & Guarantees
Guarantees with Prime being critical for delivery and availability this is displayed prominently alongside the price and FREE returns guarantee to encourage a sale.
Buy Box
This is the CTA (Call To Action) of the page.
Does the product come in other varieties, flavors and colours. If so this is presented here.
In Stock
You always want to make sure your stock is accurate. Out of stock means lost sales and lower ratings, but never say that you have products in stock when you don't or it will be a recipe for disaster.
Bullet Points
These are used to add additional information that will help the buyer make a more informed buying choice.
‘Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought...’
If you product fails to make a sale, Amazon weighs in with a number of alternative and potentially relevant options for a buyer.
Sponsored Products
This is also another attempt to convert some kind of sale before the customer leaves the page.
Long-Form Description
This section forms an opportunity to make a splash and provide another product description. Go all out as this is the last opportunity.
Here customers are able to read reviews and star ratings given by other purchasers of the product. Users can use this information to make an informed choice about the product they may purchase.
Optimizing Amazon FBA Product Listings With Amazon SEO
Tackling your Amazon product listing is a sure-fire way to improve your sales conversions, frequency and drive up overall sales numbers. In this way your sales velocity is boosted, and your product has the opportunity to climb the product rankings. Address your product listings with care and attention to detail with this handy Step-by-step guide to Amazon SEO:
Your Image
Amazon is a visual site and reliant on high quality product images that immediately convey what is being sold. Remember, each part of the product listing is essentially an opportunity to sell – so you need to create product images that in themselves sell your goods.
Many retailers, merchants and vendors skimp on product images, relying on generic image files or trade pictures. A professionally shot and technically optimised product image goes the distance in assuring that your products are of an exceptional quality and relevant. Making the effort to invest in high quality product photography from Pro Photo Studio will greatly enhance your sales conversions and provide excellent returns
Your Product Title
200 word Amazon product titles can either be devised by you or generated by Amazon. Amazon structures their product titles with the following components:
• Brand
• Product Type
• Key Characteristic
• Use
• Sizing or Quantity
Amazon needs this information to generate its rankings so it is imperative to utilize Amazon SEO to structure your product listing for the best effect. The most important information comes first so consider how you want your product to be indexed.
Ratings And Views
You need to put in the effort to not only keep ratings high but also generate the customer review you need. Maintaining relevance online and providing your product as described with great customer service will go a long way to keeping your feedback on the positive side. Maintain your page – answer customer questions and deal with problems promptly.
Offer Prime
Vendors who utilize the premium Prime service do good business on Amazon. Customers with a Prime subscription want to use it and so keeping your product fulfilled with Prime means you will be preferred over a seller who does not. Offering Prime will almost be a guarantee to increase your sales, it's just a matter of you being able to deliver.
Retain Your Buy Box
Surprising as it may seem, you can lose your Buy Box if you do not administrate your Amazon account responsibly.
Win and maintain a Buy Box by doing the following:
- be a professional subscription-based seller
- keep order defect rate low
- have high customer service
- sell on Amazon for a long time
Offer Variants
Again by doing this you give more opportunity to convert a sale.
Keep Stock Levels High
Don’t allow a competitor to muscle in on a sale you cannot fulfil. Being out of stock will push you down the ratings. Show Amazon that you are the first choice for your product category.
Exhaust Your Bullet Points With Relevant Content
This is your penultimate opportunity to show that your products will meet the customer’s requirements. Avoid being repetitive or stuffing keywords and provide alternative communication that the title and image do not convey.
Utilize The Long Form Content Area
Professional sellers know how to make the most of this content area to provide professionally written sales copy that once again describes and sells the product. You need quality content and potentially high-quality images of this caliber.
Look At Competitor Listings
Market research is always an important part of any sales strategy. Examine your competitor listing and see where you can excel them in informing potential buyers. How is your competition utilizing Amazon search engine optimization strategies to increase keyword ranking, impressions, and sales? If it is working for them, it could work for your Amazon SEO too.
Let’s Round-Up
So you are ready to hit the market with a great product, fantastic images and sound selling content. To make a success of your Amazon FBA account put in the time and effort to be systematic and thorough with your Amazon SEO. You will need Amazon SEO to outstrip the competition, so it is well worth the investment. Remember your goal is to remain relevant and maintain or increase your sales velocity. Deal with your product listing on a section-by-section basis, ensuring you use every opportunity to show the customer why your product meets their needs.
Do not leave any sections under-utilized and show Amazon that you are working to be part of their great customer service by generating great reviews and answering questions or dealing with problems promptly. This will help your Amazon product sales and Amazon.com SEO.
Can We Help You Ace Your Amazon Sales?
As we mentioned above – a winning image is key to converting online sales on Amazon.com. Let your customers know that you want to give them the best opportunity to make the right sales decision by investing in product photography and retouching that presents your Amazon products at their truest and best.
We are professional product photographers who have years of expertise and skill in creating Amazon images and infographics that will keep your sales velocity high. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words on Amazon.com and high-quality unique images helps Amazon SEO.
Contact us today for complementary advice and quotation for a comprehensive range of product imaging services to enhance your sales experience online with Amazon or other ecommerce stores.