Amazon is gaining more and more sellers as well as buyers every day. Buyers are rushing for discounted deals while sellers are flocking to a market with millions of loyal customers. It offers value to buyers as well as sellers. A seller can start up straight away and can find success if it has the guts and skills to sell on this platform. It is not about how proficiently you were selling in a conventional market but rather about managing things in accordance with the practices of this platform. Product features, as well as product images and descriptions, have their due role to play in the selling process. But Amazon SEO or PPC is your only hope when you are trying to sell on a swift basis. You can learn more about the details but still some basic details will be provided in the lines to follow.
Amazon starts with opening an account or signing up for an account and then a whole new type of selling starts for a seller. Use of keywords, SEO, and, PPC then comes into the act. Now let’s take a look at each of these elements in detail for Amazon.com selling.
Seller Central vs. Vendor Central
These are two basic options available for sellers looking to excel on Amazon. This is the starting point for a seller that has just stepped up on Amazon.
Seller Central - Seller Central is a kind of seller account that is available for third-party sellers. Some small and medium level business entities can directly sell their products using this useful option. It just requires signing up for the seller central to start selling directly. A seller can ship directly and can also choose the fulfillment by Amazon to earn a prime badge for their product.
Vendor Central - Vendor Central is another type of seller account that one can use to sell inventory on Amazon. It is designed for first-party sellers that aim to sell directly to Amazon. The platform pays these large-scale business entities and sells to its customers on its own. Since vendors are used to selling directly to Amazon with this account hence all of their products are entitled to get Amazon prime badge.
Organic Selling vs PPC Selling
Now once you have set an account on Amazon, the next thing to do is starting selling on this platform. There are two routes that you can choose to sell your products on Amazon i.e. organic and paid. Just like Google, Amazon offers organic search results as well as pay-per-click ads. A seller will require doing Amazon SEO to sell its stuff organically. The products will appear on top of the searches if they are properly optimized using white hat SEO techniques.
But another useful option is PPC ads. A beginner can get quick sales by placing ads on Amazon. It will not only help to sell but will also improve the ranking of products for a seller. Amazon will start showing the best- selling products in search results even when you are not running any ads. You can visit our PPC section for more details in this regard.
Three Basic Amazon Ad Types
Organic selling relies on doing Amazon search engine optimization and only an expert can help you do that in real-time. But PPC ads are hereby explained for the proper comprehension of our readers.
1. Sponsored Brand Ads
These are headline search ads that are used to grab the attention of the visitors. They are not often searching specific but rather keep appearing on the top of the routine search results or either side of the search results. One can also find them at the bottom of the search results. They are a kind of awareness campaign to make prospective visitors know about a specific product line. But awareness is not the only thing they do, they are also used to persuade people in real-time.
2. Sponsored Display Ads
They appear only in product detail pages and are limited to the Amazon marketing service only. Such kinds of ads are used to pick a prospect from a competitor’s page. They are aimed to catch the attention of the visitors that are about to decide on the purchase of a product.
3. Sponsored Product Ads
This specific category of pay-per-click ads is used to promote products on a broader scale. This kind of ad will not only promote products on the pages but also in the organic search results. These are very useful in establishing brand awareness and selling more of your products in real-time.
Amazon Keywords For PPC Campaigns
Remember, Amazon PPC will work effectively only with specific keywords. Knowing the keywords and mastering them for the best search results is key to making good use of the Amazon PPC ad campaigns. A whole lot of money will get in vain if you do not bother about positive and negative keywords while setting up an Amazon PPC campaign. For every keyword, you pick for the search results you will have to select a match type. A match type can be an exact match of your keyword or it can be a phrase match i.e. the one that contains any word from your keywords. It will make your ad qualify for that phrase match. It could well be a broad match that matches all of the words of your selected keyword.
Don't Forget About Negative Keywords
Remember, adding negative keywords to avoid your ad to be appearing for the irrelevant search results is key in saving money on ad campaigns. You can know more about the use of negative keywords in Amazon PPC ad campaigns by visiting their website.
Advantageous Amazon Advertising
Selling on Amazon isn't easy in an increasingly competitive and congested marketplace. Keep these above tips in mind to maximize your Amazon sales and advertising.