50 Top MLM Bloggers - Best Network Marketing Blogs 2024

top mlm bloggers best network marketing blogs 2024 direct selling

Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a growing industry around the world. MLM, also known as network marketing, is a low cost (and low risk if done correctly) way to launch a powerful business with no income limits. But MLM success isn't a walk in the park in 2024, so it is best to learn from those who have been through the journey successfully. You must learn from the successes and failures of other MLM influencers so you can increase your chances of surviving and thriving into 2024. 

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Reading MLM blogs and watching network marketing vlogs are helpful options before or during your own journey to increase your chances of success in 2024. These network marketing blogs and videos are free, convenient, and incredibly educational. Without these educational resources, your MLM business venture has a much lower chance of succeeding.

Here are the 50 top MLM bloggers to teach you the ropes of network marketing and direct selling for 2024.

Top 50 MLM Blogs And The Best Network Marketing Bloggers Of 2024

1. Mike Schiemer - MikeSchiemer.com

Mike Schiemer has been in the MLM industry for 14 years and has most recently become a leader in LiveGood. Michael Schiemer has also been a marketing expert, consultant, investor, reporter, and content producer for many network marketing businesses. His blogs and expertise continue to rank high in search engines worldwide and he always helps his downlines with multi-level marketing strategies to dominate direct selling and recruiting.

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Reading his blogs and articles you will learn how to succeed in MLM long-term. Make his top MLM blog your bible and your income will increase exponentially in 2024.

2. Eric Worre - NetworkMarketingPro.com

Eric Worre is a top advocate for the network marketing profession. He is the author of the #1 book on network marketing, Go Pro, with over 2,800 five stars on Amazon.

He is also the creator of one of the biggest MLM training events, Go Pro Recruiting Mastery, and has one of the first successful full-length movies on network marketing, called “Rise.” Read his business blog, he is clearly one of the best MLM bloggers in the world.

3. Randy Gage - RandyGage.com

Randy Gage is a network marketing professional, award winning toastmasters speaker, and #1 New York Times Bestselling author, with books including, How to Build a Multi Level Money Machine and Risky is the New Safe. He consistently earns over a million a year in MLM business alone.

Marketing bloggers have a wealth of marketing experience and skills, and they know how to make good use of interaction with followers, such as giving away promotional gifts like custom lanyards, pins, stickers, etc. It will help to further enhance their imagination and brand marketing power. 

Customize lanyards for different crowds with different colors and designs. Use bright and eye-catching colors to get the good vibes flowing. They could put the keys or pins on these lanyards, which are also perfect for handing out as giveaways at summer camps or theme parties, so make sure you order now.

4. Toby & Layla Black - WorkWithTobyandLayla.com

Toby and Layla Black dominate the MLM Blogosphere with their awesome content, their social media genius, and their unique down-to-earth musical flair. They help network marketers with blogging strategies and Facebook advertising tips. Their multi-level marketing blog articles are top-notch and resourceful.

5. David Wood - WorkWithDavidWood.com

One of the founders of Empower Network, David Wood came from hard times living in a van down by the river, to building one of the largest network marketing companies, which utilizes a blogging system.

6. Rob Fore - RobFore.com

Rob Fore is one of the founders of making money online with Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing and Blogging. He and his wife have been making multiple six figure incomes since 1996. He started with nothing, lost everything a couple times and rebuilt networking empires that are thriving in 2024.

7. Nate Leung - NateLeung.com

Everywhere I look on the internet, I find an article written by Nate Leung. He is a content-creating beast, and it is very informative as well. He proclaims to not being a know-it-all guru, but someone who is sharing great advice from other MLM sources.

8. Jelena Ostrovska - JelenaOstrovska.com

Jelena Ostrovska has only been blogging a few years, but she is already a top MLM leader. Instead of starting the tedious application process to start college, Jelena started network marketing instead. She has not looked back since. Read her top MLM blog to learn and earn in 2024!

9. Michelle & Bill Pescosolido - OnlineWealthPartner.com

Bill Pescosolido left corporate America after 16 years to pursue network marketing. Michelle got a double degree in child development and psychology, but ended up making $10 an hour.

She discovered network marketing while raising her children. She dove in head first and rose up the ranks quickly, with the help of MLSP.

She was great at getting Leads and Bill, with his prior sales experience, took to calling the Leads that Michelle generated from MLSP and Facebook. It was a match made in MLM heaven and now he spreads his wisdom via his top MLM blog.

10. Lawrence Tam - LawrenceTam.net

Underpaid and overworked, Lawrence Tam tried escaping Engineering to work full-time as a network marketer. He had tried many things to make money from home but never succeeded. . . until, he got his first Lead in 2006 and a raise at his job. He continued self-development, now he teaches other network marketers in his top MLM blog.

11. Bob Clarke - BobandRosemary.com

Bob and Rosemary Clarke are Infertility Specialists by day and expert marketers by night. They teach many different concepts of blogging and focus on empowering others to make a full-time income part-time online. If you’re strapped on time, they can help with their top MLM blog.

12. Simon W. Chan - SimonWChan.com

Simon Chan is American Chinese living in Los Angeles. He struggled with network marketing before landing a big break. He then went on to become the fastest rising distributor in North america in his company.

He now has a no b.s. podcast called MLM Nation. He is very blunt and to-the-point, which is like having an older brother in MLM with you, which is fine by me.

13. Michael S. Clouse -  Nexera.com

Michael S. Clouse is a veteran network marketer and trainer with over 30 years experience. He has been on the speaker circuit since the 80’s and has created large organizations in MLM, and has written over 50 publications on Direct Sales. Within six months in network marketing, Michael was able to cover the car payment. It obviously grew pretty fast from there, so learn from him on his best MLM blog.

14. Julia Mann - JuliasNetwork.com

Having more time than paycheck at the end of the month, and trying many different vocations, Julia Mann realized she wasn’t achieving her dreams working for somebody else. Within four months, Julia was rising up the ranks in network marketing. Now, she gives free training and Facebook prospecting techniques on her top network marketing blog.

15. Todd Falcone - ToddFalcone.com

Todd Falcone is a veteran network marketer and top trainer with over 26 years of experience. He is also a sought-after speaker for Direct Selling.

His top MLM website offers a free monday night training call, which has been going for over 10 years, and is open to everyone, called Cracking the Code to Success at 5 PM Pacific.

16. Terry Gremaux - TheHashTagHunter.com

Terry and Felicia Gremaux are full-time network marketers who help people become network marketers by just using social media and a blog. Terry has won a company car and has shared the stage with Ray Higdon. He earns over $23k a month and wants to help you too with his influential MLM blog.

17. Barbara Charles - BarbaraCharles.org

Barbara Charles has been blogging for over four years and has a Master’s in Computer Systems Information. She uses her skills to help other Entrepreneurs work online. She provides people a “shorter path” to success on her top MLM blog.

18. Matt Morris - MattMorris.com

Matt Morris is the author of the infamous book, “The Unemployed Millionaire.” He is also one of the top producers in Direct sales with over 100,000 members in his downline. He regularly gives great free advice to network marketers on YouTube and travels the world speaking at MLM events. Read his leading multi-level marketing blog today for more information and inspiration.

19. April Marie Tucker - AprilMarieTucker.com

April Marie Tucker does it all. She is a very successful distributor for a flourishing network marketing company, a leader over at MLSP, and mentors clients on different social media strategies. Read her network marketing blog now, it is one of the best in the world!

20. Richard Bliss Brooke - BlissBusiness.com

What can I say. Richard Bliss Brooke is a 38 year veteran in network marketing. He made his first million before the age of 30 and is the famous author of the The Four Year Career. He is also a senior member of the DSA and owns his own network marketing company, Life Matters.

21. Chuck Holmes - OnlineMLMCommunity.com

Chuck Holmes really has passion when it comes to blogging and network marketing. This top MLM influencer writes a lot of content and on as many as 4 websites at a time.  He’s got over 15 years experience in MLM and has worked with many great companies. Read his direct selling and network marketing blog posts right now.

22. Jackie Ulmer - JackieUlmer.com

Jackie Ulmer was in airline marketing before she had children and decided instead of going back to work and letting someone else care for her children she would stay home.

She needed to earn income and have the flexibility to work from home. She turned to network marketing, with a lot of reservation at first, and has never looked back. She is a number #1 income earner, podcaster, and offers various network marketing training material.

23. Ty Tribble - MLMBlog.net

Ty Tribble started MLMBlog in 2003 to feature news about MLM. He later decided to focus on helping people with network marketing instead. He is the author of the famous book, Double Your Income with Network Marketing, which helps you with your new MLM career.

24. Jonathan Budd - JonathanBudd.com

Just about to graduate from college, Jonathan Budd discovered network marketing. Through trials and setbacks, he managed to rise to become one of the top network marketing professionals. He offers “The Unstoppable Entrepreneur” gift pack on his site, which includes a 23 minute video on how to become unstoppable in business and life. Read his top direct sales blog today and subscribe to this influential MLM blogger.

25. Mark Januszewski - WorldsLaziestNetworker.com

Known as the “trainer’s trainer,” Mark Januszewski is a veteran network marketer. After failing five times at MLM in the 80’s, Mark rediscovered the profession when he found himself raising his kids and taking a paycut. Now, Mark conducts internationally acclaimed workshops to help Entrepreneurs like you and I.

26. Vineet Gupta - VineetGupta.net

When surfing the internet about MLM and network marketing, articles from Vineet Gupta frequently come up. Vineet started with an IT company in New Delhi when he discovered network marketing and fell in love. He’s now been in MLM for over 5 years and helps many people around the world achieve success.

27. Diane Hochman - DianeHochman.com

Diane Hochman is one of the top leaders in network marketing. She became a home based Entrepreneur 15 years ago and has created one of the best training programs in the industry, called The home and Small Business Network.

28. Dean & Mary Black - DeanRBlack.com

Dean and Mary Black were both working professionals when they discovered network marketing. Well, not exactly, Dean discovered it first and presented it to Mary on their first date.

Both coming from dysfunctional backgrounds, the two became powerful network marketers together using MLSP. They now have three beautiful children together and the rest is history.

29. Chris Widener - ChrisWidener.com

Chris Widener is a sought-after international speaker who covers network marketing on his website. He also has a system called the Invisible profit System, which helps network marketers recruit. He also has several books on Amazon and has personally been mentored by Jim Rohn.

30. Sarah Robbins - SarahRobbins.com

Sarah Robbins in a networking powerhouse. She came from being a Kindergarten teacher to multimillionaire and #1 earner in her network marketing company. Her book, Rock Your Network Marketing Business is currently #1 on Amazon under the MLM/Network Marketing category.

31. Robert D. Strong - RobertDStrong.com

Robert D. Strong is an MLM Blogger who has shared the stage with people like Ray Higdon. He helps people earn their first check fast by using a system called, Internet Lifestyle Network.

32. Dereco Cherry - DerecoCherry.com

Dereco Cheery graduated from IT school in 2000, but that career didn’t bring him the success he wanted. He then discovered network marketing in 2006. Success again didn’t come easily for him, so he decided to learn everything he could about himself and the industry and it paid off.

33. Lisa Jahred - LisaJahred.com

Lisa Jahred has a powerful network marketing blog, but life for Lisa wasn’t always rosy. She used to battle traffic to get to her corporate job after saying goodbye to her kids at the daycare. She realized there was a better way and discovered affiliate marketing. She did well, but then she discovered network marketing and her life positively exploded. She now consistently wins every incentive in her current network marketing business.

34. Jaye Carden - JayeCarden.com

Jaye Carden began network marketing in 2012 after hearing a radio ad. He fell in love with the freedom and options MLM provided. It didn’t take long for Jaye to get into the top 2% of a 22 year old network. His blog offers various products to help network marketers, including Tube Traffic Mojo and Posting on Purpose.

35. Ace and Rich - AceAndRich.com

Anastacia Hauldridge and Rich Guzman are a network marketing power couple. Anastacia had been blogging since 2011 and was struggling in network marketing. Richard Guzman came into her life and showed her how he had made $90,000 in five months in MLM. It was a match made in Heaven literally. Ace was down to 68 pounds and was dying before she was saved by Jesus and completely healed within a year. Wow! Learn more on their inspirational MLM blog.

36. Bonnie Cribbs - BonnieCribbs.com

Bonnie Cribbs had a successful 28 year career in Corporate America before graduating onto network marketing. He truly loves helping people and his blog is full of generic advice for the network marketer.

37. Jason Lee - JasonLeeHQ.com

Jason Lee is another MLM Blogger I see all over the Internet, which is a good place to be! Jason was earning a high income, over $150k+, training licensed operators at commercial nuclear plants when he realized most of his gross income was devoured by taxes. A couple network marketing leaders taught him the tax advantages of being a home based Entrepreneur and the rest is history.

38. Lynda Kenny - LyndaKOnline.com

Lynda was at one time a struggling single parent. She became a social worker and retired in 2006. With selling her company’s shares, she and her husband acquired two homes, one in England and one in Portugal. She now teaches retirees and everyone else how to retire wealthy.

39. Justin Bryant - SelfMadeSuccess.com

Justin Bryant wanted more out of life. He was at a crossroads when he graduated high school. He had to decide whether to spend tons of money on college or work with his dad as an electrician’s apprentice. After a year doing that, he sat in on a webinar about network marketing and was hooked. He had always loved writing and began blogging every day. Now he recruits 15 people a day into his business with his MLM blog.

40. Susan Sly - SusanSly.com

Susan Sly is a Balanced Living Expert who began as a network marketer. She is an author, speaker and author who has written the highly acclaimed book, Women Having It All. She has been featured on CNN, ABC, Family, and CNBC. She has also appeared alongside Robert Kiyosaki in Eric Worre’s movie about network marketing, Rise.

41. Jeff McGeary - TallJeff.com

Jeff McGeary had spent over 100k on his college education and created a successful career in Pharmaceutical Sales when he was let go in 2010. He was sick of trading his time for money and lo and behold he was sitting in a parking lot and read a sticker on a parked car that red: If you want to work the rest of your life, that’s your business, if not, call me…That was it. He joined network marketing.

42. Nicky Price - DiamondMLMTraining.com

Nicky Price struggled with doing corporate life in the UK and looked for a better way. She found network marketing, but didn’t have the proper methodologies to make it work.

18 months later, and after speaking with her upline, she was led to vast amounts of useful information to truly launch her MLM career. Now, she does 1 on 1 coaching for individuals looking to become successful in network marketing.

43. Dale Calvert - MLMHelp.com

Dale Calvert is a master network marketing mentor and trainer. He started network marketing when he was 20 and within four years he had 60,000 distributors and sold $120 million worth of product. He created a duplicatable system his fourth year, which catapulted him to success. Now, he has a system for anyone who wants to succeed in MLM.

44. Jon R. Patrick - JonRPatrick.com

Jon R. Patrick is the “Beach Shirt Networker.” Jon is a Civil Engineer who struggled a long time trying to create a home-based business. Now, he has a system to shorten the learning curve for anyone interested in becoming successful in MLM.

45. Cesar Rodriguez - CesarLRodriguez.com

Cesar Rodriguez is a phenomenal MLM trainer. He specializes in Cold prospecting and headhunting. He has lots of powerful videos on YouTube giving great advice for any network marketer.

In the beginning, it wasn’t easy for Cesar. After six months in network marketing, he could only get his brother in. Now, he has created several online businesses and has shared the stage with Ray Higdon and many other major MLMers.

46. Elliott Kosmicki - ElliottKosmki.com

Elliott Kosmicki is a father of two living in Madison, Wisconsin with his wife. He is a User Experience Director for an ecommerce company and began his network marketing career in 2014. Read his top multi-level marketing blog posts today for new network marketing news.

47. Malia Holleron - MaliaHolleron.com

Malia Holleron felt something was missing with every job she pursued. Her entrance into internet marketing began by helping Entrepreneurs create their profiles and fanpages on Facebook. She’s now been successfully self-employed for four and a half years. She believes in self-development through platforms such as MLSP. She focuses helping other women achieve success online.

48. April O’Leary - AprilOLeary.com

April O’Leary has been an internet marketer since 2010. She is the author of two books and started the University of Moms in 2012 to help moms take better care of themselves. She and her husband and three daughters live in Naples, Florida and continue thriving in the multi-level marketing industry.

49. John E. Engle - JohnEEngle.com

John E. Engle is another leading MLM Blogger who dominates the first pages of Google with network marketing articles. His top MLM website covers many topics, including blogging, how to create infographics, social media and you can even apply to guest post on his leading MLM blog and website.

50. Richard Matharoo - RichardMatharoo.com

Richard Matharoo is a powerhouse network marketer. He personally sponsored 500 people into his network marketing company within two years. He also has great products on building a successful MLM home-based business step by step. I know because I bought them! He has also shared the stage with huge MLM Trainers, like Ray Higdon. Do yourself a favor and read his top MLM blog now! 

Top MLM Blogger Runner-Up: Jesse Singh - JesseSingh.org 

This top MLM blogger has years of experience with various network marketing companies. He publishes a wide variety of MLM company reviews and product ratings to his readers, along with strategy articles for direct selling and affiliate marketing. Read his top MLM blog today for additional insights and network marketer news in 2024. 

Top MLM Blogger Honorable Mention: Ray Higdon - RayHigdon.com 

Ray Higdon dominates the network marketing MLM Blogosphere. He is an animal when it comes to ceaseless content creation, either through his blog, podcast, videos and training. It is hard to find a better MLM expert in the industry besides Ray Higdon. This top MLM influencer specializes in training for the frustrated network marketing and provides hands-on training for prospecting, object handling and mindset. Make his top MLM blog your bible and your income will increase in 2024.

Market Your MLM Blog And Business Better 

There is a lot of valuable information you can learn from these top MLM bloggers and their network marketing blogs. But it may not be enough for your direct selling business to succeed on its own. You may need to hire an experienced digital marketing agency to help grow your blog and biz. The United States is home to many top digital marketing agencies. These digital marketer and blogger outreach companies are always seeking hardworking, skilled people to help them reach their goals. Those goals include network marketing success and profits.

More Top MLM Bloggers To Learn From 

While not making the Top 50 ranked MLM Blog list, you should also read from these other top network marketing and direct selling bloggers below in 2024 and 2025:

- Mike Schiemer (Join His Team Here)

- Erik Christian Johnson

- Jose Antonio Rivera

- Helen Chin Lui

- Cory Draper

Learn And Earn With These Top MLM Bloggers 

MLM is a constantly changing and always challenging pursuit. If you stop learning from the experts, you stop earning in the network marketing and direct selling business. Staying up to date with these top MLM bloggers and network marketing blogs will maximize your chance of MLM success in 2024 or 2025. You will be glad you did for your multi-level marketing monetization! And make sure to start blogging yourself for your MLM business on WordPress, LinkedIn, Medium, Quora, Blogspot, or other blogging platform!

Join the fastest growing MLM here.

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