Obtaining credit cards can be pretty handy and helpful for various reasons. For one, they are safer than carrying cash and coins around. They are also a way for consumers to build their credit as long as they pay on time.
The best credit cards will generally earn rewards and cashback when used to purchase items and groceries. Read more how cash back works on this site here. They are also used for extra miles on airfares.
However, searching for the right one and applying to banks can make one nervous. You might not know where to start, the information that the issuers need, and how you could have a better chance of getting approved. This is why you need to research more about the process before applying so you'll know what to expect and you can come prepared.
How To Increase Your Chances Of Getting Approved
1. Look At Your Credit Report
Most lenders will look at your credit reports to determine your trustworthiness. The figures will generally help them figure out whether you can pay back a loan or not. Get a free copy of your current score from various bureaus. They are available from major credit companies and make sure you get from a federally authorized source to hand you what you need.
Another alternative is to check if your bank can give you access to your score. They generally have a copy of it attached to your account. If this is a perk that's being offered on the bank's website, then feel free to explore the platform and check if your score is accurate.
The report will tell you whether you have made delinquent payments in the past, if you defaulted on a loan, or filed for bankruptcy. Check for discrepancies or errors and make a dispute with them. The errors can hurt your chances of getting approved and getting an excellent interest rate.
Some will consider 740 to 850 as excellent. The good ones are in the range of 669 to 739. When you have a poor rating of 300 to 580, then this is something that you should work to improve on. The applicants should meet the lender or bank's requirements to get pre-approved or qualified.
What Are The Other Options?
You might just be starting out or fresh out of school, so you don't have an established credit history. If this is the case, you might want to get the ones that are secured that require collateral. Making payments on time can significantly help your score and give you a chance to apply for better deals in the future.
When you have a score that ranges from 670 to 850, you can get more perks, discounts, cash backs, points, and miles for your everyday needs. You can even earn hundreds of dollars back when you travel, as some will give you cash back when you use your credit card to pay for airfare and accommodations.
2. Read The Terms Carefully
You might not see many things upon application, but it's still best to research your options whenever possible. Some of the words that you might read on the agreement include the following:
APRs Or Annual Percentage Rate – This will be the interest rate that will be applied to your balance on a specific billing cycle. This interest will be added to the amount you've spent or when you decide to carry your balance for the next month. They can be variable rates, and they can range from 15% to 22%.
Balance Transfer Options – Balance transfers happen when you take out new debt to pay off the old one. This has a lower interest rate, and you can pay lower each month. Some have a 0% APR offer for the first few months, so it's best to take advantage of this when it's available to you.
Welcome Bonuses – The new holders will generally have bonuses whenever they have been issued a new card. This can be miles, points, or other rewards that will enable more purchases on the consumers' end.
Annual Fees – The issuers may charge an annual fee when you use their card. This can happen when you frequently use them for travel and other luxury purchases. They can start from $90 or more, but for the new cardholders, it is possible that these fees can be waived for the first year.
Penalties – When you're late in paying your dues, you might get a penalty fee. This can also happen if your payment gets refunded to you or you exceed the limit.
Cash Advance – The cash advance is a kind of debt you use against your limit. This is similar to withdrawing cash from an ATM using your debit card, but transaction fees and annual percentage rates are involved, so you might need to re-think whether this is a good option for you.
3. Know Your Spending Habits
Once you know what is good for you and something that you have a chance of qualifying for, you might want to know what are the things you need to buy once you have a credit card. Apply and get an assessment through sites like kredittkortinfo.no/kredittkort-på-dagen/ and see your options. You might want to use it for your utility bills, groceries, and other needs. If you're going to use it for leisure such as travel or extra miles, you need to take the following into consideration:
Each credit card generally comes with various terms and conditions. They can vary according to the lender, and there are other benefits, interest rates, and fees that you should also consider. Some of the things to know before signing the fine print are the following:
There Are Annual Fees That You Need To Pay
Check the interest rates and the yearly fees you need to settle and see if the amount is something negligible for you. For example, the costs can vary from $90 to $600 every year but can be offset with the points and cash back you might get. Will it be worth it for you?
Paying Only The Minimum
Some banks don't usually mind when you only pay the minimum each month. However, if you are carrying your balance to the next month, know that interest will be added to them.
When you don't want to pay too much, consider paying everything in full. If you just can afford the minimum each month, consider getting the ones with a 0% APR introductory offer for 12 months so the payments won't be too hard for you.
Earning Substantial Rewards
People who maintain a high credit rating usually get cash back and points when they go to a participating shop and purchase qualified items. This can be a great perk used at gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants, airports, and more. New cardholders might also get a lot of points when they spend a minimum amount and get purchase protection, insurance, shopping points, and travel rewards, so be on the lookout for this as well.
4. Check Your Email For Pre-Approval News
Sometimes, you might get emails from your bank or apps that you're using that you're pre-approved to get a credit card. However, this process is not a 100% guarantee that a new and shiny card will be on its way to you in the next few days.
Some will give you a personalized offer, but the decision will still depend on your credit score, debt-to-income ratio, and other factors that the lenders might want to see in a borrower. A soft credit inquiry is involved, and this does not affect your score in any way. Aside from this, it is important to be aware of your credit score to make sure that you'll have a better chance of getting approved. Knowing the requirements will help you have an easier time when you are applying.