Currently, the inflation rate showcases one of the highest numbers in recent years since it is running at over 9% and experts are saying that we should expect more jumps in interest rates in the upcoming months. This fact was highly disappointing for a lot of investors since they were hoping that inflation would eventually recede, but the light does not seem to appear at the end of the tunnel yet. However, stock traders calmly accepted this situation since the market had a pretty tepid reaction to the inflation wipeout and managed to avoid significant damages.
There are a lot of reasons why the stock market was not influenced by an increased inflation rate and there are still debates about this topic among experts on Wall Street. They have talked about pretty much everything starting from valuations to stale knowledge, and some of them even think that the worst is over and the market will start to rise very soon. The following week will be very hard for investors and they need to take into account several factors before entering the market during this period.
Stock Market Today
It was necessary for the U.S Federal Reserve to carry out some measures in order to stop such an enormous surge in inflation. So, they have decided to raise their target interest rate by three-quarters of a percentage point. Recently the stock market has rallied and the S&P 500 has risen by 10% compared to its intraday low of the year which was shown in June. This was mainly induced by the fact that investors hoped the Federal Reserve would decrease the pace of interest rate hikes as inflation was seemingly cooling down.
Credit Suisse has reported that S&P 500 companies have generated aggregate earnings per share results that are 4% highest than expected and it has given the overall market a tremendous boost. That is why experts think that the following week will be very busy and important for everyone as long as the earnings session continues. So, the Federal Reserve is warning investors that they might encounter considerable difficulties and should be ready for any turn of events.
During this time, it is important to familiarize yourself with various concepts of financial trading. One of those concepts includes equity which basically is your total balance when you don’t have open trades. In the simplest words, equity in financial trading explained to newbies is that the system will display a total amount of your balance as soon as you close every trade. Otherwise, you will only see a number that you have provided when you opened a certain trade! There are a couple of equity types in financial trading including available equity, negative equity, and positive equity. It is crucial to learn how all of them work if you wish to accomplish successful results in trading.
However, by looking at today’s situation, investors and traders should be concerned about a lot of different things. It is not clear what course will the market take and if you are not ready for these alterations, the results might be fatal in the end!
What The Future Holds In The Markets
It is very hard even for experts to accurately predict the future market movements, so they have not given any decisive statements so far. However, investors have been warned to expect significant events in the following week since it will be the biggest one of the current earnings season. Given the fact that inflation remains high, the policymakers of the central bank might raise its rate by another 75-basis-point. It is also important what will Federal Reserve announce during these days and investors will act in accordance with its statements.
According to some people, the price of stocks is expected to rise no matter the given circumstances and the rate of inflation. The S&P 500, the Dow, the Russell 2000, and the Nasdaq all experienced positive results last week even though Friday was the toughest day. Investors have pretty optimistic feelings about stocks and the earnings season has been decent for them despite having some difficulties.
Hence, we would recommend everyone to keep investing in stocks since the market seems optimistic at the moment. Also, keep in mind that it is crucial to prepare yourself with adequate stock research and risk mitigation in case events take an opposite turn!