Bootstrap Business Blog Blitz Quick Questions Vol 7

I'm constantly asked about social media marketing, digital media, entrepreneurship, search engine optimization, retail sales, social selling, and many other topics through various outlets. These business questions come through my website, social media platforms, forums like Medium / Quora / Reddit / Ask /  Google /, and other outlets. When I have a lot of information to share on a particular subject I'll usually write an in-depth answer in the form of an article here... but I don't always have the time. Sometimes I just give a quick answer, or whatever initially comes to mind without prepping or brainstorming. 

This series is reminiscent of hustling entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk's book #AskGaryVee (which I'm finishing now before posting a review), but I've actually been doing this for years with previous projects and businesses. My first Bootstrap Business Blog Blitz was a big hit so I'm making this a mainstay feature on my site. This will be my second installment of Bootstrap Business Blog Blitz, tackling quick questions from readers, viewers, peers, and friends. 

You'll also find a plethora of internal links throughout which bring you to full length articles I've written on subjects like Frugal Finance, SEO, Content Marketing, or supplementary articles. Here we go...

Should I use Google AdSense or other ad networks on my website? I want to use SEO to increase earnings.

I sometimes opt to display ad networks on my websites because it guarantees revenue and therefore profitability on my frugal websites. The downside is that the ads will actually hinder your SEO due to site slowdown and other factors. It's really a trade-off so you need to determine what will make your site more profitable.

How do I unfollow everyone on Instagram?

You can take a chance with some of the programs out there… but just keep in mind that this is a gray area at best with regards to Instagram’s terms and conditions. You’re probably fine using them (for now at least) but you account could get flagged eventually for violating their T&C. If you have the time for tedious tapping, you can unfollow accounts manually, with a limit of around 1,000-2,000 unfollows in 24–48 hours before your unfollowing activity becomes blocked. That block stays in place for 1–3+ days. Numbers and lengths of time could vary based on the number of followers you have, length of time you’ve had your account, spam / abuse reports against your account, and other factors. A lot of unfollowing and/or automation programs on Twitter have been weakened or shut down lately and this could certainly happen on Instagram as well in an effort to improve the average user experience.

Has social media been a positive thing overall for humanity?

That depends on your beliefs and core values but overall I’d say it’s positive. Social media has created advancements and opportunities in so many areas including communication, photography, integrated media, news, education, relationships, and business just to name a few. The benefits of these advancements and the potential for even greater opportunity certainly outweighs the negative side effects on society. There is fallout with every new technological advancement, but you need to think of the potential and overall big picture.

 How do I block my profile bio from one person on Instagram?

Unfortunately you can’t currently block your picture or bio from anyone on Instagram, so I’d do what I tell all of my customers and clients: Don’t post anything on your profile that you aren’t comfortable with anyone in the world seeing and taking a screen shot of. Unless you have a multi-million dollar brand that demands specific wording, links, or pictures be included then making a few tweaks to your profile shouldn’t be an issue at all when you put things in perspective. Honestly that thinking goes for all online activity including other social media platforms, email, uploaded photos, text messages, etc. If you think you can “block” someone 100% from seeing a public social media profile of any kind then you are naive.

If Snapchat lost $514 million in 2016, who in their right mind would consider it a smart investment?

A lot of technology companies, including major social media companies such as Twitter, lose (tens or hundreds of) millions every year since inception and that hasn’t stopped investors or shareholders from making a lot of money. Snapchat will monetize much more aggressively from now on but its share price will still be over-inflated as it loses money over the next few years. Who knows, it may never be profitable. Think of it this way, most people don’t plan to be invested in Snapchat for the next 30 years, especially compared to companies that have been around for decades like a General Motors or a Procter & Gamble. But which stock has the potential to grow very fast in the next few years and make you a large profit? Snapchat (for now at least) is all about short term investment with big payout potential. On a personal level I very much agree with you. As a financially responsible individual and self-funded entrepreneur I loathe these kinds of business models, but over the years I’ve come to accept this scenario as par for the course.

What are some social networks like Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram that didn't go that far?

There are plenty that didn’t or haven’t gone the distance such as Digg, Google Buzz (now essentially G+), Friendster, Ello, Loudbus, Squee Squee, Orkut, Ning Networks, and Naymz to name a few. MySpace had a great deal of mainstream success (founder Tom is a retired multimillionaire after all) but never reached the success that Facebook, Twitter, etc have now achieved. Although some people still use MySpace for TBT or Flashback Friday Posts, it has been an obsolete platform since around 2010.

Why is it important for a brand to use similar usernames on all social media platforms?

Consistency across all social media platforms, other digital media, and traditional media is very important for overall success. If you can get the same usernames on each platform then that keeps sings simple and easy for your readers, viewers, fans, and customers. Occasionally though you won’t have the option of picking the exact same username and will need to have a backup version that is the most consistent with your usual username and the platform itself. Somebody on Instagram might have taken your normal username. Twitter’s or Pinterest’s character limitations might not allow you to pick the lengthier username of your preference. On the other hand, you may want more a more serious version of a username on a professional platform like LinkedIn and may want a more casual username on a more easy going platform like Snapchat. Your username should also be platform-specific if it makes sense.

Is Facebook worried about Snapchat?

Absolutely, which is why Facebook tried to buy Snapchat for $3 Billion in 2013, why they bought WhatsApp in 2014, and why Instagram (which they bought for $1 Billion in 2012) released “Stories” last summer. Facebook has been losing teenage and twenty-something users for many years now and Snapchat has been a big reason.

Why should someone who doesn't like Twitter reconsider it?

It’s not about liking or disliking Twitter, it’s about looking objectively at what Twitter can offer you, your business, and/or your customers. If this is for personal use than I’d just check back on it here and there to see how new features and trends are workout out. There are more options now than ever to follow only the users and notifications that you want to see. Twitter continues to try and remove spam accounts by suspending them or clamping down on automation. 

If you are a customer, Twitter is always an excellent way to quickly get in touch with customer service during negative (or positive) experiences. It can be the best way to get a quick and convenient resolution to your problem. You can also enjoy plenty of great product giveaways that most brands do quarterly, monthly, or even weekly! 

And most importantly, if you’re a business then I can almost guarantee that Twitter can help boost your bottom line. It can boost awareness, generate more leads, increase sales, assist with public relations, and improve customer service… just to name a few broad benefits. The reasons for using Twitter are numerous so I’ll defer to my previous blog post: 12 Reasons Nobody Reads Your Tweets.

Is it OK to buy Instagram followers?

It’s a violation of Instagram’s terms and conditions to buy fake followers for marketing purposes and could get your account locked or deleted. Even if it wasn’t a violation, it would most likely do more damage to your account than good. You would have a lot of followers but your post engagements would not be nearly be in line. Most people would quickly realize that your followers are fake and your account reputation will be tarnished… probably the exact opposite of what you were looking to achieve. Those followers can also be deleted at any time by Instagram or the account creators. A year or 2 ago there was the large Instagram fake profile flush (Insta-pocalypse or Insta-geddon for some) and a lot of Instagram “Influencers” and even celebrities were exposed for having a high proportion of fake followers, many of which they purchased. Some accounts lost 50–98% of their followers! It was such a disaster for some of these exposed users that they ended up deleting their entire account… but not before plenty of screenshots were taken and humorous articles were written. You’re better off spending the time and money improving your Instagram account organically, paying for advertising, and even using other social media or web platforms to ask that people follow you on Instagram.

Keep asking your questions and I'll keep answering! Enjoy the next installment of Bootstrap Business Blog Blitz!

I hope you enjoyed the latest installment of Bootstrap Business answering your questions.  

Interested in more articles about social media marketing?

Read My Posts:

- Why Your Business Needs Social Media Marketing

- Facebook vs Twitter Social Media Marketing

Published by Michael J Schiemer
Owner of Bootstrap Business
Money - Marketing - Motivation
Digital Marketing | SEO | Social Media
Mike Schiemer Builds Better Business

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