Android has been outgrowing its own pace for the last few years. It managed to reach well more than 80% of the massive smartphones global market and has literally stormed the competition. No other OS has ruled with such diversity and authority. The open-source nature of Android has made it adaptable to many tech giants, whether they opted to use the Google version or not.
What’s more to Android is that it’s not stopping at smartphones. Android has been constantly trying to reach out to other electronic devices, bringing automation to many static devices in our everyday life. From watches to refrigerators, Android has been successfully integrated into a wide span of devices. So you’d be wrong if you relate the word Android just to smartphones.
This also means that everyone needs to learn Android development or understandings beyond the usage and understand it’s applications if they intend to use it diversely. This Operating System has set its wings on the go.
If you wonder what other devices out there run Android, you’d be surprised. Here’s a thorough list:
Android Auto
You might have heard about this one since it’s been gaining popularity ever since 2014. Before then, the in-car technologies were getting somewhat static, with nothing near innovation.
Many car manufacturers started to offer Android Auto with their cars. These manufacturers include Hyundai, Suzuki, Mazda, Audi and even Lamborghini, the list just goes on. Android Auto supports many functions that enhance the rider's experience beyond measures. For example:
● GPS Navigation
● Music control
● Web search
● Telephony
Some Manufacturers are partnering with Google for even more features such as rolling downing your windows or turning your AC off.
Android Refrigerator
Samsung has introduced their first fridge running on Android system. The Android fridge is using an embedded tablet with a wi-fi enabled LCD display. The system can do a lot, from basic functions like displaying time to running applications. These applications include Epicurious, an application that provides recipes and a notepad for all the beloved fridge sticky notes. With more applications to come in the future, this could have major implications for both consumers and food service industries.
Smart TVs
It’s only natural to bring Android to the TV world if we’re talking about real automation and a better user experience. After the devastating failure of the Google TV, Google made its comeback with the Android TV platform that seems to be dominating over the living rooms ever since its release. One of the best features about Android TV is that it supports the Google play store. Which means that you can play your favorite games or run a diverse list of applications on your TV. There’s a handful list of features for these smart TVs as well. You can use the built-in camera for video chatting, use facial recognition to enable parental locking or use voice control.
You can even use a set top box like Nvidia Shield Android TV if you want to take things to the next level. They allow you to take your gaming experience one step further.
Smart Cameras
The race for integrating everything with a smartphone will not turn cameras obsolete, at least not yet. Following the “if you can beat them join them” saying, camera manufacturers like Polaroid are starting to add Android OS to their cameras. They are bringing the smartphone's features to the point-and-shoot cameras. The audience has been demanding to combine the real-time sharing with the power of these cameras, and their demands have been answered. It’s worth mentioning that Nikon and Samsung were the pioneers in this area, and each company now has its own Android-powered smart camera.
Other Home Appliances
We’re getting near the technological age of having every electronic device running an OS. Android is starting to touch on washing machines, ovens, microwaves and home securities. Some of these go well beyond the basic kit of time display and music playing. What Android is looking for is total control over the functioning of these machines. For example, Samsung release an application for their smart washing machine that allows you to handle the laundry with your smartphone. The smart washing machine has got an auto error diagnosis system that will let you use the application to identify any potential malfunctioning or error.
Android Watches
Android watches are one of the little gadgets gaining popularity for their smart features. They can be linked to your phone and enable you to send and receive calls and texts. They can also become your tiny training partner. Although they have not been widely adopted as their manufacturer has hoped, they’re still quite popular.
Android Laptops And PCs
We’re not talking about emulators here. We’re talking about actual Laptops running Android OS. Although they haven’t gained much popularity, these laptops are being produced by some tech giants like HP. They combine the power of an Android tablet with that of a laptop.
The big news, however, is that Google is making a new OS based on Android. This new OS is called Andromeda and it will empower Android beyond measures. The thing about this new OS is that it doesn’t depend on the processor’s architecture, which is a huge step in the tech world. This new OS is targeting PCs, but it will not stop there. Conceptually, it's suitable for everything out there.
Future And Challenges
The current challenge for these devices is to create a very attractive content and rich user experience. The audience doesn’t seem to be getting into the idea of having a smart washing machine, for example, at a much higher price. The fact that there really isn't that much content for these smart platforms or mobile app integration only adds to the problem. The Android development world, including the top Android App Development Company in Bangalore, will mostly be directed by these changes and will start the marathon of developing suitable applications for every platform. The real question resides in the “When”.
Final Thoughts
Anyway, the future is deemed to witness a lot of Android coming into play. Android's company growth will probably not stop anywhere in the near future. Who knows when will smart toasters and fans be tomorrow’s products? Development will remain restless until then.
I hope you enjoyed this article about new Android technology in addition to their successful smartphones and mobile applications.
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