Rand Fishkin Quotes

Rand Fishkin Quotes

Rand Fishkin, SEO legend and co-founder of Moz and SparkToro, has a lot of great advice when it comes to digital marketing and media production. Rank Fishkin is always spot on with his advice in a digital world with exponentially increasing competition and constantly changing algorithms. Optimize your business website or pay the price is his message, although he usually puts it more eloquently. Rand Fishkin is also a big proponent of storytelling and creating quality content that actual humans will enjoy. 

Here are some of Rand Fishkins digital marketing and SEO quotes that I enjoy the most:

1) "Better content is outweighing more content."

2) "The trend of design toward simplicity and accessibility in software happened for a reason... simple sells, simple is usable, and simple scales."

3) "SEO is no longer a job title, it has become part of everyone's job description."

4) "You've got to keep that text natural, authentic, and honest. It has to be real. It can't feel spammy and manipulative."

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5) "The right way to think about social sharing: it is not to fire and forget, it's being thoughtful about messaging in a timely fashion to different audiences."

6) "A click-worthy title is actually worth a lot more than a perfectly keyword-targeted title."

7) "Go for the better user experience every time."

8) "We've got to create a unique, special experience for them and delight visitors in addition to satisfying their query."

Thank you for all of the motivational quotes Rand Fishkin!

rand fishkin quote

I hope you enjoyed these 8 great Rand Fishkin Digital Marketing and SEO Quotes!

Want More Digital Marketing Quotes And SEO Wisdom? 

Read My Quote Posts:

- Top SEO Tips For E-Commerce Stores

How To Build Domain Authority By Building Backlinks

Best Of Luck In Business!

Quotes Compiled By @MikeSchiemer
Epic Enthusiastic Entrepreneur
Digital Marketing, Social Media, & SEO
HubSpot and HootSuite Academy Certified
Mike Schiemer Builds Better Business

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