David Avrin Quotes

david avrin quotes

David Avrin is an American entrepreneur, keynote speaker, business coach, consultant, and author specializing in marketing and customer experience. David Avrin has worked with companies, coaches, and corporations throughout the world to help them improve their marketing and branding. Dave Avrin's decades of work have also produced plenty of motivational quotes for sales professionals and marketers worldwide.

Here are some of my favorite business quotes from David Avrin The Visibility Coach:

1) “We know people do business with those they know, like and trust. The question is: How do you help people to know you better, to like you better, to trust you more, to do business with you?”

2) "It's not who you know, it's who knows you"

3) "Being great at what you do is no longer a differentiator, it's merely the entry fee!"

4) “How do people know that you’re capable qualified competent caring and a good choice, but a better one than the other capable qualified competent caring companies, until you do a deep dive and become aware of what makes you not only capable qualified competent caring, but truly impossible to ignore?”

5) "The new reality in the marketplace is that everybody’s good. You have to make a compelling case that you’re a better choice than the other good choices."

6) "For most of us, our biggest challenge is not our competitors... it’s anonymity."

7) "What makes you the best choice in a sea of good choices doesn’t have to be monumental but it has to be memorable."

8) "If you want people to be interested, you have to be interesting."

9) "There are lots of way to do it right but only one way to do it wrong and that’s complacency."

10) "If they don’t know who you are they can’t buy what your selling."

Thanks for the quality quotes sensational speaker David Avrin!

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For more great motivation, follow @DavidAvrin on Twitter to boost your business visibility!

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I hope you enjoyed this compilation of motivational quotes from speaker and author David Avrin of Visibility International.

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