Read Google AdWords Certification Exam Guide Notes PART 1 First
Welcome back to Part 2 of my Google Analytics Academy AdWords Certification notes guide and test answers. This is a very important certification to help maximize your overall digital marketing efforts and PPC skills. So far I've learned a great deal and am getting ready for the exam. Here are my additional notes for the Google AdWords Fundamentals Course certification test:
Google Account ---> Campaigns ---> Ad Groups
(Improve Quality Score & ROI)
Account: Associated with Email, Password, & Billing info
Campaign: Specific Budget & Settings. Each focusing on spec goal. Control spending, settings, ad networks, geographic locations.
Ad Groups: Set of similar ads and associated keywords
Use a keyword in the headline for higher CTR!
Ad Rotation: Have 3+ Ads Per Group, w/ Ad Rotation Settings for "Optimize for Clicks" or "Optimize for Conversions". Over time your higher performing ads will show more often.
Keyword Targeting:
a) Search Network: Use your keywords to show ads to people searching for similar terms.
b) Display Network: Keywords match a website's concept or central theme. (via automatic placement)
1. Broad Match: No Symbols. Includes misspellings, synonyms, related searches, other relevant variations
2. Broad Match Modifier: Symbol: + Keyword. Contains modified term (or close variation), no synonym, any order
3. Phrase Match: Symbol: "keyword". Phrase or close variation.
4. Exact Match: Symbol: [keyword]. Exact term or close variation.
5. Negative Match: Symbol: -keyword. Searches without term
Search Network: Match Type works. More specific options. Negative keywords allowed: prevents ads from showing for people who search search for those terms or visit sites containing those terms
Display Network: Keywords treated as broad match. Keyword exclusions allowed
Display Network Targeting:
1. Contextual Targeting: Match relevant site content
a) Keywords
b) Topics
2. Audience Reaching Specific Groups of People:
a) Audiences
b) Interest Categories
c) Remarketing
d) Demographics
3. Managed Placement Targeting: Select specific websites and apps
a) Location Targeting:
b) Device Targeting:
CPA: Set up conversion tracking, cross-account conversion tracking, or be importing data from Google Analytics. Turn on Conversion Optimizer. Uses historical information about your campaign and automatically finds the optimal equivalent CPC for ad each time it's eligible to display.
Group similar keywords into themes. Follow structure of your ad group and bundle similar keywords together into 1 ad group based on your products, services, or other categories.
Researching New Keywords:
Keyword Planner: Keyword ideas and statistics
Display Planner: For display network get keyword ideas, stats, estimates how many times the ad will display for idea per week or month.
Segments: Allow you to split your data into rows such as time frame, click type, or device.
Click Type: Visits to website or Click-To-Call (phone)
Device: Compare performance across devices, computers, mobile devices w/ browsers, or tablets w/ browsers. Device ROI
Top Vs. Other: Find where you appeared on Google's Search Results.
Isolate: Determine deltas in ad performance over time spans
Time to monetize your online content and digital advertising with your newfound PPC skills in Google AdWords!
Now that you know the test questions and answers you're ready to Take The AdWords Certification Exam. Good luck Googler!
Afterwards, Choose An AdWords Concentration.
I chose Video Advertising. Read My Free Notes:
Google AdWords Video Advertising Certification Guide
Afterwards, Choose An AdWords Concentration.
I chose Video Advertising. Read My Free Notes:
Google AdWords Video Advertising Certification Guide
Also enjoy these other digital marketing certification note guides:
I hope you enjoyed this post assisting you with your Google Analytics AdWords Certification Notes. Best of luck on your AdWords Fundamentals exam!
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