9 Small Business Instagram Marketing Tips

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Small business owners do not have the same financial leverage as more prominent brands. Due to this increased competition, it can result in an unfair advantage that can see the smaller businesses fade into the shadows. 

So, how do these small business owners increase their sales and compete without spending too much on marketing company services? A viable option would be to buy Instagram likes and Thread likes, but what is that all about? 

• An effective way to get your products out there and be seen by more people is through social media, preferably Instagram. 

• There are many advantages to promoting a business page on Instagram. 

• To start with, Instagram is filled with over 1 billion monthly users (and over 2 billion total users), which are considerably more than other social media platform. Here, you can target groups of people with potential interest in your product. 

• Many brands have found innovative ways to engage users, such as paying to buy Instagram likes. 

However, the benefits of Instagram go far beyond just the numbers. It is about how to promote to the people using Instagram. If you can post engaging Instagram photos, customers will accept your marketing messages with little or no doubt. You won’t even have to try any difficult sales pitches. Shoppers usually visit social media for references. By doing your best to buy Instagram likes and promote your business page, you can convert passive shoppers into active customers. It doesn’t matter if you are new to Instagram or not. All the details you need to promote a business page successfully are found in this article’s contents. Everything has been simplified to make sure that you can easily understand them and put the tips to use. 

Let’s begin with nine top Instagram social selling strategies! 

9 Instagram Small Business Marketing And Sales Tips

1. Create A Business Page On Instagram 

If you promote your business on Instagram, you need a separate account for your business and yourself. The reason behind this is because business promotion is concerned about your audience and not about you. So, you should avoid posting personal pictures about your vacation or anything unique. Personal content should be posted on your page, while business content should go to your promotional page. 

Do not forget to include a link to your website on your Instagram bio. This is an opportunity to direct whoever to visit the profile to your website. The bio is the only part of your profile where your link is clickable, and it is located directly under your Instagram name and profile details. The best link to use here would be one that takes users to your online shop or a preferred landing page. 

All of your Instagram business promotion would be useless if it doesn’t fit together with what your brand represents. It is essential to stay recognizable. Pick an Instagram name that is the same or closely related to your real business name. This name also has to be consistent with those on other social media platforms. Keep your profile image consistent because it will accompany all your interactions on the platform. The profile picture has to be professional and an appropriate representation of your brand. 

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2. Create Engaging Posts For Users 

You’ve certainly heard that a picture says a thousand words. You need to take advantage of this by creating posts that engage users. It’s a customer-hooking advantage that could make all the difference. 

Humans have a natural preference for images. That’s why you need to utilize Instagram’s visual world and post engaging product photos to promote your sales. Keep in mind that Instagram is full of potential customers, but it’s important not to annoy your followers. 

Visuals show your products to users and followers without having to say too much about their quality. Images allow viewers to make a buying decision without feeling also pressured. It’s essential that your posts are not pushy and do not merely seem like adverts. Due to this, you need to get creative with your photos and posts. 

You need to share photos that are engaging, unique, and pass a message. By posting the right type of content, you will endear yourself to followers to develop a connection with them. Show off your aesthetic side without giving out too much info on products. 

3. Create Unique Lifestyle Photos That Accurately Describes Your Brand 

There’s no doubt that your Instagram business page is for promoting your business. However, you need to add some variety to the page, or you risk boring your followers. An Instagram account isn’t a direct sales market, and you should focus on adding some appeal and spice to your feed to keep followers entertained. The best way to keep everyone entertained is by uploading lifestyle photos to your IG feed. 

Ensure you use life-inspired backgrounds, scenes, and models to add a story to your product. This way, users can relate better to what you are selling and imagine how it would be like to use the product. By doing this, you will strengthen your brand equity. 

4. Promote Events On Your Page And Share Exclusive Insider Content 

A great way to prove your expertise in the field is by promoting events on your page and share exclusive content. A geo-tag appears above your photo and displays your location to followers. Brands use Instagram to promote events and share the location to invite those who are close by. 

This is a proven way of building trust in your brand. It also allows followers to latch together to support the brand’s values and represent a common interest. 

Another way to add some much-needed value to your page would be to backstage Instagramming at live events. This way, you provide some exclusive content for followers, and it is a great way to make people feel like a part of your brand. 

5. Clearly Define Your Social Media Promotion Goals 

There is no doubt that social media is an effective marketing tool that can be used to extend the reach of your brand beyond borders that you thought were possible. But these tools will be ineffective unless you clearly define what you’re trying to achieve. There is no room for haphazard actions. 

Promoting a business Instagram account can mean a variety of things to different people. Each of them is defined by several approaches that will determine the result you will get. Are you interested in: 

• Creating an online presence for your brand or business; 
• Increasing brand awareness; 
• Getting new leads to patronize your business; 
• Establishing your brand as an industry leader and one of the biggest market shareholders; 
• Selling products directly on the social media platform. 

You may even be interested in combining several approaches for a more broadened outcome. But unless you clearly define your social media goals, you’re unlikely to get any reasonable results.

define social selling goals instagram marketing

6. Know Your Target Audience 

The truth is that every product has a target audience, and unless you identify who they are, you may find it difficult to attract people to your brand. Doing some simple research will help you figure out the target audience who you can best reach when trying to market on Instagram. If you try your hands-on Instagram Demographics, you should be able to find this out. However, previous research has shown that: 

• Most active Instagram users fall between the ages of 18 and 29; 
• The United States has the largest Instagram community; 
• Urban residents are more active on Instagram than their suburban counterparts. 

You can use all of the information gained from demographics to define your target market. By doing this, you will be able to tailor your content to suit the audience. Your target audience will also become critical when choosing targeting options for your IG ads. 

7. Optimize Your Profile For More Engagement 

Your profile is more important than you may think. It’s the first thing to create an impression in the minds of leads and potential customers – you may never get a second chance to convince someone. 

In just 150 characters, your Instagram bio has to properly define who you are, convey your brand personality, and tell people why they should be interested in following your account. That is a lot to do with just a small space. 

Fortunately, you still get some other fields on your Instagram profile that you can use to showcase what your brand is all about and increase your online visibility. These fields include: 

• Your Name: There are 30 characters for you to come up with a catchy name; 

• Your Username: This is also known as your IG handle. It’s up to 30 characters and will be your identity on this platform; 

• Your Website: This is a clickable URL that you are free to change at any time. It’s usually added to your bio; 

• Category: A feature for your business account that lets people know what you are all about without using up your bio characters; 

• Contact Info: This information will tell your followers where to find you and how to contact you for inquiries; 

• Call-To-Action Buttons: These are shortcuts for Instagrammers to interact with you directly from the profile page.

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8. Use Great Captions 

Instagram is a largely visual social media platform, and as such, your captions are important. It would be a poor strategy to focus on your visual content while neglecting your captions. A caption will give unique details about the content of your posts. You should look to achieve a consistent them with your caption while keeping things simple. 

Instagram captions can be up to 2200 characters long. This means that you have many opportunities to do anything from short quotes to the detailed narration. However, keep in mind that only the first two lines will be displayed in the news feed without clicking any more. 

Most people tend to scan through captions, so you would like to include a lot of details in the first two lines. Go for a catchy opening, and you can choose to spell out other details for them as they read through. The recommended length of captions for Instagram posts is 138-150 characters. There’s no harm in saying more, but you have to make sure that it’s necessary. Your caption should be relevant, entertaining, or informative, compelling, and on-brand. 

9. Don’t Forget About The Hashtags 

Hashtags are an ideal way to increase the visibility and discoverability of your posts. You can use as many as 30 hashtags for each post. But you probably won’t want to do that unless it’s necessary. 

It is recommended that you use between 5-9 hashtags per post. Too many hashtags may appear desperate and be a turn-off. It is a worse or similar effect when you use irrelevant or repetitive tags. To get the best out of your tags, make sure they are relevant to your niche, specific to certain content, and do not focus on following – or like-swapping. 

Instagram Marketing Conclusion

It is an excellent idea for small business owners to adopt Instagram for sales promotion. You can gain a lot by following the tips explained above. Why not get started today and steadily grow your business with Instagram social selling.

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