Did you know that the manufacturing industry was the 5th largest employer in the USA last year? The USA has a long and proud tradition of breaking new ground in the design and manufacturing industries.
If you are in manufacturing, you are likely interested in learning how technology will impact your business in the future.
Each year progress is made in the fields of AI, robotics, and factory automation. What will these technologies do for you? What do you need to know even now? Why not read on to find out more about manufacturing automation and robotics.
Increased Capabilities
Far from being outliers, more and more companies are deploying robots in their factories and warehouses. This in turn has an impact on the production of robots. Rather than unique solutions, robots are now mass-produced. During the next two years, they will take over high-production, hi-speed, repetitive work.
Basic robotic technologies are now established. This means that producers can focus on increasing their intelligence and capabilities. More and more robots are now able to "learn" their work and their environment. This gives them increased independence to care for more complex tasks.
Robots will work closely with other machine types. These include cranes, heavy lifters, and chain hoists. If you would like to see examples of these technologies, visit our Tech section for more information.
Expanding Intelligence
Robots are increasing in capability and in intelligence. There is a key difference between these two factors. The ability to integrate information from multiple sources will be a game-changer during the next two years.
Using artificial intelligence, robots can assimilate information from a range of sources. These include sensors and databases. They even have the ability to read barcodes before making decisions.
This is seen with robots deployed in warehouses. They learn the floor plan of the warehouse. They can also access siloed information and use barcode reading technology. Equipped with this technology, they can make decisions regarding shelf stacking.
Similar technology is being applied in the engineering, retail, and even catering industries.
Falling Costs
With the uptake in robot production, the cost of producing robots will continue to fall. Experts estimate that costs have fallen as much as 50% in the last 30 years and this is likely to continue.
Developing countries emerge as manufacturing hubs. Their interest in robotic technologies will continue to grow. Manufacturers will likely offer competitive prices to ensure these lucrative contracts.
Ease of Installation
As robotic technologies become more widespread, the skillsets needed to operate them will also. These skills include AI, machine learning, and software programming for automation. They are already are amongst the hottest topics for young people.
As these skills become more mainstream, the ability to install and run automation in the factory workspace will continue to grow.
The Latest Developments in Factory Automation and Much More
If you are a business owner, you are likely interested in learning how technology will impact your industry in the near future. Understanding the role that factory automation will play is crucial. Automation and AI will save businesses huge amounts of money over the long term.
If you would like to learn more about these robotics topics, why not follow our blog? We publish in-depth and relevant articles each week on factory automation and manufacturing technology that we know will benefit your business.