Tire blowouts are a major cause of accidents for truck drivers. This is a major concern for both truck drivers and others on the road. Preventing accidents is constantly being worked on as manufacturers are always looking for ways to improve vehicle safety and enhance the driver experience. Giti Tire TPMS System is a major breakthrough in truck and tire safety.
Giti Tire is a company based out of Singapore and they have been designing tires since 1951. Currently, Giti is one of the largest tire manufacturers in the world. The company has 8 production centers, including a newly opened center in South Carolina. Giti is known for their wide range of tire products and they deal with auto service outlets, vehicle manufacturers, motor sports teams, consumers and tire dealers in more than 130 countries around the world.
In addition, Giti is heavily involved with motorsports both as a participant and in a collaborative effort with other teams. Giti is very interested in their local communities. They commit a lot of time and resources to green projects and local and community outreach efforts.
The TPMS System
The TPMS system is the newest technological breakthrough for Giti. This first of its kind tire system is designed to make truck tires safer and more efficient. The acronym stands for: Smart, Monitoring, Air pressure, Real time and Technology. This latest tire innovation, called Giti Fleet Smart, was unveiled in 2019 at the CV Show in Birmingham, U.K.
The Smart Fleet tire system allows for fleet owners and truck operators to continually monitor and analyze the tires on the trucks in their fleet. The Smart tire system provides real time feedback to owners and sends notifications to the drivers. The drivers can then decide if they need to bring their truck in immediately, or if they can wait a bit longer.
How Does The Giti Tire TPMS System Work?
The tires that are used in the Smart Fleet System have sensors on them. Information about the tire’s maintenance and other data is continually collected and analyzed. This information is collected both instantly and electronically. This information is then sent over to the fleet owners to examine. The data collected can help to predict and prevent tire failure. This technology helps make driving trucks safer for the drivers, as well as other vehicles on the road around them.
If a loss of tire pressure is sensed by the tires, the information is collected and then forwarded to the fleet owner and the truck driver is notified as well. Once this information is received, it can be reviewed between the driver and the fleet base. They can then make a decision as how best to move forward. They have the option to drive the truck to the nearest Giti tire dealer or use the GitiAssist Roadside program for help in repairing or replacing the tire.
Additional Benefits Of The Giti Tire TPMS System
The benefits to fleet owners and drivers who use this tire system are many. If drivers and fleet owners can repair or replace a tire before a blowout, they will actually save money and be more effective. The owners and drivers will save money because the tire might be able to be repaired before being completely useless. The system is also cost effective because owners and drivers will not lose as much down time waiting to be able to use their truck again-they will be on the road quickly instead of waiting around a shop for a new tire to arrive or for more extensive repairs to the truck if there was any other damage that occurred with the blowout.
The Giti Tire TPMS System also greatly reduces the chances of drivers being hurt due to a tire blowout. This alone is a major breakthrough in tire and truck safety. And it will also reduce the risk of injury and accident with other cars on the road.
Points To Consider
The Giti Tire TPMS System is a giant step forward in helping fleet owners maintain their trucks. This system provides continual feedback to both owners and drivers and alerts them when there is the potential for a tire failure. Having this kind of advance warning is beneficial to all involved. Since data about the tires is continually analyzed and received electronically, drivers and fleet owners have time to examine the problem and decide on a course of action, ahead of any potential tire mishap.
Having this knowledge gives the driver and owner time to discuss if they should take the truck to the nearest Giti Tire dealer for service or if they should use the GitiAssist Roadside Program. This advance knowledge will allow businesses to be more cost effective. The advance warning eliminates more costly repairs and it also eliminates a lot of down time that is spent waiting for a new truck or repairs to be completed.
The Giti Tire TPMS system is a major breakthrough in tire and safety technology. The advanced warning system alerts fleet owners and truck drivers to a loss in tire pressure. This advanced warning helps owners and drivers to get ahead of potential tire blowouts.
This advanced warning is a cost effective solution for trucking businesses. The Giti Tire TPMS System continually gathers and transmits data, which allows drivers and fleet owners to take care of a minor problem, before it becomes a major problem. There is less cost involved with smaller problems and less of a financial loss with time delays in shipping. Another major benefit to a business, fleet owner or truck driver using the Giti Tire TPMS System, is the potential lifesaving benefit. Tire failure is difficult if not impossible to predict and a huge contributing factor to motor vehicle accidents and fatalities.
Using the Giti TPMS Tire System is an effective way to manage shipping costs and help ensure driver safety. The Giti company takes driver safety and tire innovation seriously, and the result is the Giti TPMS Tire Safety System.