Milk prices are certainly higher these days in some areas because of the improper use of technology. Improper maintenance of the dairy equipment cost the companies a fortune to change the appliances just because they couldn’t manage it properly. Regular maintenance can enhance the chances of the budgeted project, leading to affordably priced milk products.
The most important appliance of the milking system is the cooling machine that especially enables one to make the milk last for a long time. Usually, the professionals cool the milk up to 4-degree Celsius from 35 using about 30% of every day’s energy of the farm. However, without adequately maintaining the refrigeration of the cooling system, the individual can get rather depressed because of the low-quality product.
Here are the top measures that can help anyone concerning the maintenance of the cooling system for dairy equipment:
Maintenance Daily
When it comes to the dairy cooling tanks and system, the primary factor to remember include is putting sufficient milk that needs to be processed. If one attempts to start the cooling before it’s required time, the process might affect the tank bottom. It simply because the ice starts to form on the bottom that can lead the engines to break.
Also, people might want to ensure to clean the tank after the milk is emptied from it. Along with it, the tank exterior also needs one’s keen attention. If someone happens to ignore this step, milk contamination can occur, bringing forth more problems in the cooling system. Moreover, lastly, one must fail to avoid keeping any boxes and cans before the condensing unit for further precaution.
Monthly Maintenance
The inside holes of the spray heads in the tanks tend to get clogged up if the owner of the farm fails to take proper care. That means it needs to be cleaned at least once a month. Other than that, the water type for tank cleaning should be perfectly fine with a little high in temperature. However, too hot can make things bitter for anyone. People might want to focus on checking up the tank insides once a month to find zero settling. The rotation of agitator should be appropriate, usually for 2 mins in every 13 mins, specifically when you see the milk has been cooled already. Lastly, the user might also want to check if the tank or CIP drain valve has any leakage or not.
Maintaining Cooling Tank Quarterly And Annually
Cleaning equipment is critical when it comes to cooling tanks and system that can ensure the long-lasting essence of the milk. First in the list of cleaning comes the radiator plates that can be done once in a few months. Dry brush is specifically necessary for this task. However, if you fail to do this task, you might end up with an overheating compressor.
Also, make sure that the heat evacuation system works appropriately in the cooling system and the tank. Both the entrance and exit is critical at this. Moreover, lastly, after a while, the thermostatic control gets disturbed. Based on the observed issue, one might reset the temperature back to 2 and 4-degree Celsius.
Furthermore, the dairy equipment filters should be cleaned once a year that can ensure the cleaning maintenance properly. Tank leveling should also be checked that would enable one to fix the milk quantity once a year in your dairy equipment.
Maximize Your Maintenance Of Dairy Equipment & Cooling Systems
Maintenance of the cooling tanks is the essential task that needs special attention of the owner. All the dairy equipment and the VSD drives need to be evaluated once in a while. Periodic maintenance of your dairy equipment can ensure that individuals deal with unwanted threats safely.