We all want to think that we’re doing our best to be environmentally friendly and to combat climate change, but most people just aren’t doing all that they can. Many companies struggle with the desire to have a good reputation for being environmentally conscious, while not damaging their profitability. One of the keys to making a recycling program is getting your employees on board, but how do you do it? Here are some suggestions to help you convince your employees that recycling is the way to go.
Make It Easy
The number one way to ensure that employees are recycling regularly is to make sure that it’s no harder for them than what they normally do. If employees have individual trash cans at their desks, make sure that they have recycling bins as well. It can be something as simple as a flat cardboard lid from a paper box. The point is that if they have to put in any extra effort to recycle, it isn’t as likely that they will do it. Make sure that everyplace there is a trash bin, there is also a recycling bin.
Don’t Overcomplicate It
Having separate bins for paper, aluminum, glass, and plastic might make people less likely to recycle. Simplify recycling by using a single-stream process; everything goes into the same recycling bin, and gets sorted later. Contracting with a company like 1300 Rubbish can simplify the process, as they will handle both removing and recycling materials, so you don’t have to think about it.
Make It Obvious
Simply placing bins around the office won’t help unless you’ve taken the time to clearly label and identify what goes into the contents of the bin. Make sure that recycling bins are distinguishable from regular trash bins, and that it’s easy for employees to tell what types of materials go into them. If left unclear, you’ll often find your trash and your recyclables mixed, leaving more work for others. Be responsible and help others do the same!
Make it Part of the Culture
Corporate culture is one of the things that appeals to and attracts workers. In addition to a great benefits package and other employee perks, company social responsibility ranks high on the list of qualities today’s employees look for in an employer. Making recycling and environmental awareness part of your corporate culture will make your employees feel even better about their job, and increase their feelings of being part of something bigger.
Start At The Source
One of the best ways to draw attention to the fact that you’re trying to increase recycling and green business practices is to make sure that you’re purchasing office consumables that are both recyclable and made of recycled materials. Sending out an email alerting employees that you’re changing suppliers because the new company has more environmentally friendly products will help show that this is a company-wide commitment to better practices, not just an inconvenience for them.
Share The Motivation
Instead of just telling people that you want them to recycle more, tell them why. Hold a conference or assembly explaining that you are focusing on greener practices, and let them know specific goals. If the company is eligible for a tax-credit for meeting a recycling goal, let the employees know what they can do to help. If it’s an environmentally-friendly businesses list or a certification that you’re trying to achieve, share the excitement by giving them an active role in helping to meet that achievement.
Practice these effective methods and your company is well on it's way to going green and saving green!
Melanie Saunders is a blogger and content manager at 1300 Rubbish – experts in the field of rubbish and junk removal. Personally, a huge fan of sustainability and green living.
I hope you enjoyed this article about how to persuade your employees to do more recycling and go green.
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Read My Posts:
- 4 Tips To Help Your Company Go Green
- How To Keep Your Recycling Company Out Of The Landfill
Published by Michael J Schiemer
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