Tips To Write Blog Posts Better & Faster

I'm asked very often about how I produce so many new posts on my business blogs and how to write blog posts faster without sacrificing quality. I’ve written or edited/published about 2,000+ unique blog posts between 2 of my main websites. A large portion of my new posts are now from guest bloggers, but I've written over 1,200 posts myself and been featured on dozens of websites.  I can definitely confirm that you get in a rhythm after the first couple... hundred. It really depends on the person and the topics they write about, but you'll get in the groove after your first dozen or so.

Sound Structure

It helps significantly when you start using a consistent structure in your business blog posts, or several templates based on the type of post you’re doing. You might have a different structure or template for opinion posts, technical posts, long form, reviews, etc. 

It could be as simple as 

Intro Paragraph - 5 Body Paragraphs - Conclusion Paragraph

I’m not saying to make your blog posts “cookie cutter”, but consistency will help you increase your speed, while also differentiating you as a blogger. You have your own writing style(s) that your readers will come to expect. 

Sharing Is Caring

Sharing and distributing your blog posts on social media to grow website traffic will also speed up with practice and an overall game plan. Determine which social media platforms are most conducive to sharing your blog posts. Chances are that Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn will be good choices. Other platforms to consider include Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Pinterest, and Google Plus. 

Progress Not Perfection

Slowly and steadily you want to improve different areas of your blog posts. One month it might be lexicon, another it might be formatting, and another month it might be search engine optimization or converting visitors. You always want to improve your formatting, user experience, SEO, and writing skills over time. Therefore your structures / templates will evolve and you may need to think about updating past popular posts. The improvements will really add up and you'll be well on your way to growing brand awareness and increasing revenue. 

Barring blogger burnout, each post you create should generate ideas for related future posts, follow-up posts, etc so over time that aspect of your blogging will be faster and more organized.

Practice, practice, practice!

I hope you enjoyed this article about tips to write blog posts faster and better to improve your content marketing. 

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Published by Michael J Schiemer
Owner of Bootstrap Business
Money - Marketing - Motivation
Digital Marketing | SEO | Social Media
Mike Schiemer Builds Better Business

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