In the beginning a frugal entrepreneur really needs to use every free resource you have available. People don't know about your business and search engines like Google don't know about your online media. If you have an existing website then use it to refer traffic, drive prospects, and grow your PageRank. If you have an existing business then use it as a sounding board to promote your new digital venture. If you have any friends or business associates that can link to your site then by all means use them. Provide an exchange of services or bring something of value to them in return for helping to get your brand out there. But if you are really starting from scratch than you will want to start by leveraging and expanding your social networks.
Begin with what you already have in place. Let's say that all you have to start with is a Facebook Profile with just a meager 500 friends. Most people, especially those with business ambitions, have a lot more... but this is just hypothetical anyways. Anyways, start posting your creative content on your personal Facebook profile initially and then create an official Facebook page which will publish your business posts going forward. Invite all of your personal connections to your new Facebook page. Make sure you get on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tumblr, Periscope, Google+, and YouTube and utilize your existing network of Facebook and email contacts to get started.

But does this strategy really work? From my experience over the last 10+ years I can definitively say yes. I've started multiple multiple 5-6 figure businesses (both online and offline with several different business models) with this strategy and it always begins with my existing social network, my existing online content, and existing email list. It's a start but if you do it right then you can move the needle from that point on.
Other viable options can include guest posting on other industry websites that allow you to include links back to your site. Look into joining a blogging community that allows you to collaborate and grow together. A rising tide raises all ships after all. Participate in online groups and forums. Maybe even volunteer for an organization or publication that can give you some additional exposure or added credibility. The possibilities are really endless and you don't have to pay a dime. This is all "sweat equity" that you have to put in to be successful but it certainly takes time, patience, and creativity. Whatever generates traffic and value should be considered. Build up that initial audience as much as possible for a strong business base.
Getting the word out about your new digital media business is crucial to reaching your initial qualified prospects, getting shares / referrals, and getting your media ranked with search engines. But along with building this initial distribution system, you always need to strive for unique and useful content production. Stand out from the pack with videos, ebooks, and articles unlike anything you've seen before!
I hope you enjoyed this article on leveraging your social media networks for your lean startup!
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Best Of Luck In Business To You All!

Michael J. Schiemer of Schiemer Consulting
Bootstrap Business Blogger
Media - Money - Marketing - Motivation
Digital Marketing | SEO | Social Media
Social Selling On A Shoestring Budget
Snapchat Marketing Specialist
Mike Schiemer Builds Better Business
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