While I've been successfully implementing inbound methodology best practices in most of my personal and employer business endeavors, I think it's now time to get back to the slightly updated certification process. It's always important to get back to basics, hone my skills, and learn some of the newest proven tactics.
I also plan on going through the same process for other free digital marketing related courses such as Google Analytics Academy Certification, HootSuite Social Media Marketing Certification ($199), and other affordable educational resources. But that is for another series of posts. Anyways, on to my second installment of HubSpot Academy Inbound Certification notes for their latest curriculum:
Why Inbound?
Traditional Marketing:
- Cold Calls, Print Ads, Commercials
- Cold Emails aka Spam
- Interrupting / Annoying Ads
- Marketer-Centric
Inbound Marketing:
- Search Engine Optimization
- Blogging
- Attraction
- Customer-Centric & Empowers Consumers
- Be Helpful, Get Found
Overall convert strangers into visitors. Convert visitors into leads by offering them valuable content (offers, eBooks, white papers, articles, videos, powerpoints, etc) for their contact information via conversion process (CTA's, Landing Pages).
Close Stage:
Email & CRM sell the right leads at the right times
Part of every single aspect of inbound strategy. You must constantly update and improve
Provide remarkable content to all users of all stages. Instead of forgetting about existing customers, turn them into brand evangelists that help convert their connections to leads and customers.
Part II: Fundamentals of Inbound Success (Continued From First Post)
Customers don't want to be sold, they want to be educated!!
Buyer Personas:
Created via research, analysis, and current brand customers
-Identify Trends and Create Back Stories. Base them on hard statistics not assumptions
-Focus on the "Why" and Motives of Buyer Personas, not necessarily their actions.
I hope you enjoyed Part 2 of my HubSpot Academy Inbound Marketing Certification notes guide.
Want Some More Inbound Marketing Inspiration?
Read My Posts:
- Rand Fishkin Marketing Quotes
- Dharmesh Shah Inbound Quotes
Best Of Luck In Business To You All!
Michael J. Schiemer of Schiemer Consulting
Enthusiastic Entrepreneur & Expert
Digital Marketing, Social Media, & SEO
Mike Schiemer Builds Better Business
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