Bootstrap Business Blog Blitz: Quick Questions Volume 3

For the last 10+ years I've been asked on a daily basis about social media marketing, digital media, being an entrepreneur on a budget, influencer marketing, search engine optimization, retail marketing, social selling, and many other topics through various outlets. These business questions come through my website, social media platforms, forums like Medium / Quora / Reddit / Google /, and other media outlets. When I have a lot of information to share on a particular subject I'll usually write an in-depth answer in the form of an article here... but I don't always have the time. Sometimes I just give a quick answer, or whatever initially comes to mind without prepping or brainstorming. 

It's actually ending up feeling a bit like hustling entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk's book #AskGaryVee (which I'm finishing now before posting a review), but I've actually been doing this for years with previous businesses. My first Bootstrap Business Blog Blitz was a big hit so I'm going to make this a mainstay on this site. This will be my third installment of Bootstrap Business Blog Blitz, tackling quick questions from readers, viewers, peers, and friends. 

You'll also see plenty of internal links throughout which bring you to full length articles I've written on the subject or supplementary articles. Let's here your questions:

What is the best social media outlet to get my art work out there for all to see besides Instagram and Facebook?

I would personally recommend Pinterest and Snapchat (in addition to Facebook and Instagram as you mentioned) for anything primarily visual. Even YouTube would be fantastic for showing off your artistic expertise and/or teaching some “How To” videos. Maybe record some art shows or interviews. That all being said, I’d still utilize pretty much every viable social media platform to maximize exposure and sales. I think it would be silly not to use Twitter at least a little bit to promote yourself.

How's it possible for someone who makes 5-10 responses to Trump tweets to get them all the most upvoted in every tweet?

I know what you mean, and yes they do have significant impact on the direction of the conversation due to the number of favorites and re-tweets they get. Most of the time this is organic due to large number of followers, especially if the person has a verified account, but sometimes it gets a little fishy. There are definitely plenty of accounts out there, including a lot of political ones, that have some sort of paid arrangement/program that gets their tweets automatically favorited and retweeted by dozens or hundreds of accounts. If you check the accounts that are favoriting and retweeting these tweets, you’ll find a lot of them are bots and fake accounts. I’ve seen the same thing on Instagram for the past few years as well.

Is it true that Facebook knows a lot more about internet users (who use both FB and Google) than Google?

Facebook certainly has an incredible amount of information, but keep in mind how much older Google (1998) is than Facebook (2004) and the plethora of incredibly popular Google programs outside of their search engine. Google has just been around longer and has had infinitely more users. The statistics for YouTube (owned by Google) alone are mind-boggling. Then there’s Gmail, Maps, G+, AdWords, Google Play store, Google Home… the list goes on forever. Also don’t forget about Amazon (1994), which has been tracking user data and purchasing behavior for 2 decades. Other behemoths with all of our data include Apple and Microsoft.

Can WhatsApp kill Snapchat?

WhatsApp is vastly different than Snapchat so it will not kill Snapchat by itself. Especially after considering the success of Snapchat’s IPO and the even more significant growth it’s going to experience. WhatsApp is however one of the tools that Facebook owns, along with Instagram, that are giving Snapchat a run for its money. While Instagram is doing a pretty good job by itself in rivaling Snapchat, you’re right that WhatsApp is a valuable weapon in Facebook’s arsenal.

I am a 27 year old male and want to start a business, but I have no idea what that would be. Any business ideas?

I think the simplest and most effective places to start and learn the ropes in business would be by starting a business blog, YouTube channel, and eBay/Amazon account. You’ll learn valuable sales and marketing skills with no costs and no risks. Either use these free platforms to promote a business you come up with, or make these platforms your business. Like other online entrepreneurs like Gary Vaynerchuk, I started my entrepreneurial journey selling collectibles online as a young teenager and starting promoting my own part/full time businesses online as an older teen.

Keep asking your questions on social media and I'll keep answering!

I hope you enjoyed this article focusing on the social media & entrepreneurship questions that are important to you.

Interested in more articles about social media marketing?

Read My Posts:

Promote Your Content On Social Media Better 

How To Utilize Facebook, Twitter, & YouTube Marketing

Published by Michael J Schiemer
Owner of Bootstrap Business
Money - Marketing - Motivation
Digital Marketing | SEO | Social Media
Mike Schiemer Builds Better Business

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