Barbara Corcoran Quotes

Barbara Corcoran quotes

Barbara Corcoran is the Manhattan real estate mogul (the rags to riches story as opposed to that other NYC real estate magnate Donald Trump) from the hit show Shark Tank

Barbara Corcoran is also the only other female business expert in the tank along with QVC Queen Lori Greiner. From the "school of hard knocks", Barbara Corcoran is always a great source of down to earth advice and overcoming adversity with her inspiring quotes.

Here are some great motivational quotes from Barbara Corcoran that will help you pull yourself up by your bootstraps: 

8 Great Barbara Corcoran Quotes For Entrepreneur Inspiration

1)  "My best successes came on the heels of failure."

2)  "Some of the worst pitches here are the people who talk all fancy who've been to business school."

3)  "The difference between successful people and others is how long they spend feeling sorry for themselves."

4)  "People want to do business with someone they like. If people like you, they're going to want to business with you. And if they don't, you're going to have an almost insurmountable obstacle to overcome.

Barbara Corcoran quote

5)  "Don't you dare undermine the power of your own instinct."

6)  "I built the business exactly like the way my mother built and ran her family. I wanted happy people having fun."

business quote book

7)  "When you're selecting team members to join your startup or small business, make sure you pick someone who shares your vision and enthusiasm."

8)  "Finding opportunity is a  matter of believing it's there." 

Thanks for all of the inspirational quotes Barbara Corcoran! Keep quoting and stoking startups on Shark Tank!

Barbara Corcoran quotation shark tank

I hope you enjoyed these 8 great Barbara Corcoran motivational business quotes via Shark Tank and other quote sources! 

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