Marketing is one of the most important things that you can do when it comes to your business. Not only will it build brand awareness, but it’ll also allow you to build long-lasting relationships with your audience.
If anything, it’s almost impossible to succeed without a proper marketing plan.
Need some help with your brand? Looking for some innovative marketing ideas? If so, you’re on the right page for marketer mastery. We will be going over a few of them in this post.
Keep reading to learn more on smart marketing ideas for SMBs!
5 Innovative Marketing Ideas That You Should Consider
With marketing, there are numerous possibilities. Here are a few ideas that you might want to try.
1. Snapchat GeoFilters
Snapchat is one of the most popular social media platforms out there. Given that, it's not surprising to know that it also offers a number of marketing opportunities.
Ever heard of a geofilter? They’re snap filters that allow you to share where you are with various effects. And guess what? They can be an effective marketing tool if used correctly.
2. Reference Current Pop Culture
Referencing pop culture isn’t tacky. If anything, it’s a great way to engage with your audience on a deeper level.
For instance, you can add a meme from a popular TV show to your blog post. Just remember to keep your target audience in mind; they should be familiar with what you’re posting.
3. Host Giveaways and Contests
Giveaways and contests are a great way to get attention. After all, people love free stuff. The only thing is that you have to come up with a way on how to get people to participate. For example, you can offer an entry in exchange for a like on your Facebook page.
As for the prize, it can be anything as long as it aligns with your target persona. For instance, you can go with customized bottles or mugs.
4. Create Content That People Want to Read
Make sure that the content on your website is interesting and valuable. Remember, no one wants to read a wall of text; keyword stuffing is a no-no as well.
Generally speaking, the more engaging your content is, the more likely your audience will be to respond and interact. This is especially important when it comes to your company’s blog.
5. Give Out Free T-Shirts
Believe it or not, but giving away free t-shirts is actually a great way to increase your brand awareness. That is, it'll allow people to recognize your brand easily.
As far as costs go, you can generally get a discount if you create them in bulk. Once they’re made, you can start giving them out and the wearers will provide free marketing for your company.
Creating a Marketing Strategy
And there you have it—five innovative marketing ideas for the new economy. Which innovative marketing idea will you be trying in the coming months?
For more similar posts on innovative marketing insights, check out the rest of our blog! Visit the Digital Marketing section of the Bootstrap Business Blog to learn more about online advertising ideas and inspiration.