Guide To Buying Used Industrial Machinery For Manufacturing

guide buying used industrial machinery business equipment

When it comes to manufacturing, your production line is only going to be as good as the equipment that you use. If you want to take your factory assembly line to new heights and produce more goods that are better quality, you're going to have to get better plant equipment.

Many people think that having quality machinery is prohibitively expensive. However, there are many options available that allow you to incorporate any type of equipment into your manufacturing process. Leasing high-quality industrial machinery allows you to reduce your initial investment while lowering maintenance costs. It can also protect you in situations that involve equipment breakdown or failure. Additionally, purchasing used industrial machinery can help reduce costs while acquiring quality equipment for your manufacturing process.

If you've found yourself in a situation where you need to buy industrial machinery but you're strapped for cash, you're in the right place. In this article, we'll teach you everything you need to know about buying used machinery so that you can make the best purchase possible for your business manufacturing.

Know Your Industrial Machinery Numbers

The first thing to consider when buying used industrial machinery is to know your numbers. What do I mean by that?

It's simple: you need to know how much of an expense you can justify. Thus, you need to calculate the return on investment that you expect to realize should you purchase and start using particular industrial machines.

Use the production capacity of the machine and your current equipment to estimate how much your production capabilities will increase with this machine. This should in turn give you a number as to how much more money this machine will bring in. With that figure, you'll be able to understand how inexpensive the machine needs to be in order to bring in a positive return on investment.

If you don't know your numbers well, then you could easily find yourself spending hard-earned dollars on machinery that may look pretty but doesn't actually ever pay for itself.

Inspect Machinery

Once you know the ballpark of how much you can afford, it's time to look at the machinery that fits your price point. Be sure to do a thorough inspection of any machinery that you look at. Because buying used machinery can result in you picking up a poor piece of equipment, ask the equipment owner if you can do a trial run with the equipment in your production line. 

This will give you a good look as to whether or not the equipment is in the condition that it's claimed to be in. Be sure not to neglect charge air coolers if you have them.

Look at Machine Service History

Last but not least, another great way to verify the quality of a piece of industrial equipment like used CNC lathes is to look at service history. 

Was the machine serviced on time? Has it had any major failures? When was the last servicing of the machine? Did the previous owner complete all of the basic maintenance tasks on schedule for the industrial equipment? 

Machinery service and maintenance are musts for equipment functionality and longevity.

How to Buy Used Industrial Machinery For Manufacturing

There you have it manufacturers. With this guide to buying used industrial machinery under your belt, you should be far better equipped to improve your production capacity without spending a fortune on brand-new equipment.


For more business advice, be sure to take some time to check out the rest of the articles on the website! We have many helpful resources when it comes to manufacturing equipment, industrial machinery, and business equipment information.

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