These days, most businesses are using digital marketing as their primary method of advertising. In fact, in 2019, digital ad spending reached roughly $333.25 billion worldwide.
The advantages of digital marketing are well-known. A lot of business owners are forgetting, though, that physical marketing materials also have their place.
Read on to learn about the benefits of using physical advertising alongside your digital campaigns. You'll also get some great ideas on how you can put together creative marketing materials for your company.
Benefits Of Physical Marketing
Physical marketing materials, when used in conjunction with digital marketing efforts, can help you to expand your reach and grow your business. Here are some specific benefits you can experience when you start focusing on physical marketing efforts:
• Increased visibility
• More opportunities for brand recognition
• Stand out from competitors who are only using digital marketing
When you make an effort to create and distribute physical materials to market your business, you also have a chance to provide people with a tangible artifact, something useful they can hang on to for a long time. When you use something like a magnet or a calendar, your business gets to have a presence in people's homes and will be at the forefront of their minds when they need products or services like the ones you offer.
How To Use Physical Marketing With Digital Campaigns
Clearly, there are good reasons to start using tangible marketing materials in conjunction with your digital campaigns. What kind of materials should you create, though? In what ways can you physically market your business?
The following are some effective approaches you might want to consider:
Business Cards
Never underestimate the power of a business card. They're a great way to get your name out there and show others that you're serious about growing your business.
Consider handing out unique cards, like business card magnets that people can stick on their refrigerators. That way, people will be more likely to remember you. In the case of things like magnet cards, you'll have a long-term (if not permanent) place in their home, and they'll be more inclined to think of you in the future.
Direct Mail
Direct mail is another effective option for marketing your business, especially to a local audience. People don't get as much mail as they used to these days (that might be why 40 percent look forward to checking the mailbox), so they're more likely to notice the items you send to them. This is especially true if they're well-designed and provide them with something of value (like a coupon or discount code).
Practical Items
Practical items like pens and lanyards are also good options for marketing your business. Look for opportunities to hand them out at local events (with permission from the event organizers, of course) while you meet with members of your community.
Start Creating Your Business Marketing Materials Today
As you can see, there are lots of reasons to start using physical marketing materials alongside your digital campaigns. When you have both, you get to reach more people and increase brand recognition for your company. What could be better?
Do you need help choosing the right marketing materials for your business? If so, we have plenty of marketing-related articles available on our site. Start with this one on the top marketing mistakes to avoid.