The advent of Internet technology has completely reshaped how the world communicates. Gone are the days of physical letters and restrictions to in-person conversations. Social media has taken the world by storm. Virtually everyone with access to Internet connectivity (even your grandmother!) has a social media profile.
It is crystal clear that your customers are on social media profiles like Facebook and Instagram. If you want to connect with your target audience, you need to build your brand on those social media platforms.
To help you do that, in this article you'll learn how to build a brand on Instagram.
Understand Your Purpose
The first thing that you need to think about as you figure out Instagram branding is exactly what purpose you want to be accomplished by the social media platform. Why do you want to establish your personal brand on Instagram?
Some of you may only want to build a brand on Instagram so that you can leverage your following to monetize your profile with sponsored posts. Others may be seeking a way to build industry credibility with a large audience. Other folks may be seeking to redirect traffic to a specific product or service to increase conversions.
Figure out what the purpose of the Instagram profile will serve for you, and hyper-focus your efforts on that specific purpose.
Define Your Aesthetic
The next step to establishing your Instagram brand is to define your aesthetic. Your aesthetic is the overall theme and look of the posts that you will be publishing.
There are a lot of different aesthetics on Instagram right now. One of the most popular looks for Instagram profiles right now is a minimalist one that focuses on the heavy use of white space and clean design. If you are a clothing or design brand, for instance, this may make sense for you.
Craft an Appealing Bio
The next thing to think about is your Instagram bio. This is the most direct way that you can reach out to folks who chance upon your Instagram profile.
Your bio's text should be able to convey your mission statement. It should explain the purpose and value of your brand, communicating to your audience the reason why they should interact with your profile.
Next, you should also have a call to action in there. Do you want readers to follow your profile? Check out a website link? Check out another one of your profiles? Tell your viewers what you want them to do. That's simply the best way to make that happen and make full use of your Instagram brand.
How to Build A Brand on Instagram, Made Simple
Now that you know how to build a brand on Instagram, all that remains is for you to start implementing these tips with your social media profile so that you can soon start reaping the benefits of a much more engaged audience.
For more Instagram influencer and social media marketing advice, you're in the right place. Check out the rest of the social selling articles on the website! Visit the Social Media and Influencer Marketing sections of the Bootstrap Business right now!