If you are under the impression that print is dead, this can't be further from the truth. The fact is that it's not dead it's only evolving in this new decade. Effective flyer marketing requires old school tactics along with digital elements to make them effective.
We put together this guide to help you with creating your next marketing flyer.
Less Is Better in Flyer Marketing
What we mean is that you do not want to include too much information. The more information on a flyer the more you will turn people away because it looks too cluttered. You want your business flyer to be effective and this will not happen when you have every bit of space filled with information.
Stick to the main details and if you want to direct them somewhere for more information you can add a website or a QR code for them to scan. A great way to get ideas is to look at flyer templates and choose the best ones for your needs.
Colorful Graphics
Choosing an image that is the focal point to draw your readers in will have a stronger impact than multiple small images. If you are not a graphic designer you can buy stock photos online at a minimal cost.
Choose an image that supports your story and helps connect the viewer emotionally.
Typos are distracting and can ruin the message you are trying to get across with your flyers. You do not want to ruin the experience for the end-user because there are a few typos taking away from your print.
After you create your print proofread it yourself and then have other people proofread it as well. Multiple eyes going over your work will help you catch any typos that can potentially take away from your flyer if they are left unnoticed.
What Is in It for the End User?
Your target market is going to scan over your flyer thinking to themselves "what is in it for me?" They more than likely will scan over everything to see if they can spot what they will be gaining.
This is why keeping it simple and to the point will make it easier for them to spot the benefits. Do not forget to use powerful words such as new, results, guarantee, free, etc to help them take action. Your call to action should be clear and to the point to direct the user on what steps to take next.
Time to Start Creating Flyers!
Now that you have learned our tips on flyer marketing it is time to create your own. Take all of the above and come up with the perfect flyer for your event, needs, or customers. Look over your flyer once you are done with it and ask yourself if it honestly would catch your attention.
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