Online training discussions tend to focus on earning a master’s degree online. However, online training and information sources can fill in many gaps in the knowledge base as well as allow you to meet various government and industry standards. More importantly, online training can be managed by automated systems to maximize efficiency while providing a number of key benefits.
What Are The Advantages Of Online Training?
People can typically complete online training via learning sites on their own time. They don’t have to interrupt production schedules to sit in safety training, and the plant isn’t essentially shut down for a diversity, safety or health lecture.
If you are a remote employee or work a flexible schedule, you don’t have to arrange to come into one of the few sites offering in-person training. Just take the course online.
Online training is often the most accessible format there is. Someone with limited English fluency doesn’t need a translator. They can replace the online training and look up terms they don’t understand. And it is discrete. Alternatively, those who are hard of hearing should be able to turn on closed captioning to ensure they understand what is being said. Those on bed rest or medical leave can keep up with required training or company mandated training. And if you don’t get it all the first time, repeat the lecture.
Online training allows you to tap into best in class systems instead of trying to make a manager lecture their team about something they are barely familiar with. You eliminate the risk of them sharing incorrect information. Click here to visit this website. You also push the work on keeping training material up to date onto someone else.
What Are The Benefits Of Online Training Paired With Learning Management Systems?
Learning management systems will track who takes online training and when they complete it. Managers can then generate reports to determine what percentage of the team has taken training and who has yet to do so. You may have to take action to encourage them or assist them in taking it or completing assessments.
The company can analyze the data to determine what factors contribute to improved productivity. For example, you can do A/B testing for ethics training, safety training or diversity training. Learn which courses people prefer and benefit most from.
Learning management systems provide insight to your team in other ways. For example, you can give them online assessments to verify how much they know. Know for certain what pieces of knowledge they aren’t picking up in training so that you can adjust the training as necessary.
You could also track training given in person and verify knowledge was imparted via online assessments. Then you can determine who actually learned the material and identify the least effective trainings.
Learning management systems allow you to assess the training people have versus the training they need for a particular role. You can strategically prepare someone for a new role by giving them access to the necessary skills or software training given online. Then their learning curve in the new job is as short as possible, and they don’t need as much support from the rest of the team to become productive.
You can also analyze performance relative to the training they have taken and assign training modules they should repeat to improve performance. This is a more productive approach than lecturing someone on poor performance and telling them to better next time. You can also track the learning modules they complete and their performance afterward.