Architectural renders combine 3D modeling and graphics with the principles of architectural photography.
They bring to life buildings that don't exist yet to help pre-sell an architect's vision.
But that depends on how well they're executed. Poor renders can look out-of-date or fail to do the design justice. Great renders really stand out and sell the idea.
Want to improve your architectural renders? Read on to learn more about.
1. Check Your Lighting
Cinematographers and photographers both understand the value of lighting. They use it to direct the viewer's attention.
Use too many lights, and the image is too bright. The viewer doesn't know where to look. But use too few lights, and the viewer can't see anything clearly.
Employ subtle vignettes to darken the edges of the image. This draws the viewer's eye to the center since it's brighter.
2. Stop Using So Many Colors
Do you use the color wheel when creating your renders? If not, you should try it out.
Using color schemes based on the wheel helps to bring balance and harmony to your images.
The accepted wisdom is not to use more than three colors in photos. This same maxim applies to architectural renders.
But you can go up to four colors. Color schemes like the Square or the Tetradic use four colors to create beautiful images.
3. Add Some "Soul" to your Architectural Renders
Some architectural renders can look flat or sterile. There's no set dressing to make the scene come alive.
It's like those external shots that have the building standing amid white, empty space. Where's the blue sky? The trees? Or street furniture?
Making the scene look "real" by including these elements helps you better sell your vision.
Check out the galleries on Google or Pinterest for some examples to show what we mean.
4. Choose the Best Framing
We're going to come back to the cinematography parallel for a second. Think of your favorite film.
How many super wide shots can you remember? Now, how many close-ups spring to mind?
Chances are, you'll be able to think of more close-ups than wide shots. That's because they let people see the details and focus on a smaller area.
Wide-angle lens let you include more of the scene. But they leave the viewer unsure where to look first.
Sure, you can guide their eye with lighting. But you can include a variety of shots from different focal lengths to make the scene more real.
5. Use Your Own Textures
Textures are the element that stop renders looking like bad CG imitations. Most programs come with a built-in range of textures.
They vary in quality and they may not always be suitable for your needs. It's best to build up a collection of your own textures.
That way, you're always prepared no matter what an architect asks for. It also helps your renders stand out. They have that little something different that's not available to everyone else.
Always Keep Learning
Now you know how to improve your architectural renders. The real key to improvement is to keep practicing your skills.
Try out new tools in your software. Make it your mission to make your renders look as real as possible.