When you own a business, there comes a time when you have to stop trying to do everything yourself and begin hiring experts to assist your success. Digital marketing is the first place you should look to outsource a team of experts so you can run your business.
At Romain Berg, we’d like to give you a litmus test for choosing a superior SEO company, while also inviting you to work with us. Because, well, we’re one of the good ones.
Call us today, and let’s talk about your company generating more traffic online, which means more business and bottom-line growth for you.
Good SEO Companies Put Your Needs First
At the outset of your initial consultation, a reputable SEO company will ask you what you want. They want to know what your digital marketing goals are so they can get to work meeting them.
Once you get to talking, you should hear things like “we can do that and let us show you how” followed by a detailed description of how they do their work and what you can expect.
They should also present you with a timeline for when you can expect to see traffic results. Pay attention as well to how their different service price points could net you expanded success.
Of course, you should also have a budget in mind as you go down the road of digital outsourcing. The company you select should be able to clearly outline what they can do for you on the budget you choose.
If the company you’re talking to doesn’t ask you these kinds of questions, tip your hat and head out the door.
Data Tracking Is How You Measure Results
Look around for SEO companies that handle data tracking on all the SEO, Pay-per-click, and other digital actions that yield measurable results.
Your firm should be able to provide you with a comprehensive report periodically on precisely what your money is doing out there in cyberspace.
Further, if the money you’re spending isn’t resulting in the search rankings and traffic you desire, your firm should pivot their strategy. Their methods need to shift until you hit upon the process that meets your goals.
Spoiler Alert: Romain Berg does this all as common practice. Your success is our goal from the outset of our collaboration, and we show it to you with regular data reporting.
Retain Ownership Of All Your Digital Places
When you trust your digital marketing to an outside party, you still want to retain ownership of your website and social media pages. Before entering into any agreements, be clear on this point, in writing.
There are plenty of horror stories out there from companies who invested thousands in their marketing and then were blocked out of their own websites when trying to cut ties with their marketing firm. Invest in a place that doesn’t hold a grudge.
The Proof Is In The Reviews And Referrals
Any good service is worth sharing. When you’ve narrowed the field to a few marketing firms that look promising, check out what other people are saying about them.
Consult Google, Yelp, and sites like Glassdoor for honest feedback about their services and delivery. Better yet, if someone in your network can make a recommendation for you for a firm they love, that’s a lofty endorsement for any digital marketing firm to achieve.
Now that you’ve got the low-down on how to start vetting a digital marketing firm, consider Romain Berg for your shortlist. We check all the boxes we’ve just mentioned, and we’re ready for an energizing and creative consult completely focused on your goals.
Contact Romain Berg in Minneapolis and start experiencing our tagline for yourself: No Hype, Just Results.