How to Boost Employer Branding on LinkedIn (Primary Steps to Follow)

boost employer branding on linkedin

According to the Bullhorn survey, 97% of recruiters are using LinkedIn to search for candidates. However, LinkedIn has surpassed the name of a job searching platform long ago. It is now the world's largest audience of professionals. So, in order to connect and engage in contribution with employers and employees around the world, one must use the full potential of a LinkedIn profile. 

Here are the primary steps to do so. 

1. Update and Upgrade 

The LinkedIn profile is more than just a picture with a few details about the employee or a company. It reflects the image and atmosphere of the company. It shows the employers place in the market and growth potential. So, in order to boost the brand, equip the viewers with as much information as possible. 

If you're hoping to advance in your career plan, find the appropriate recommendations and the LinkedIn headline examples for job seekers online. A strong powerful profile headline can appeal to plenty of potential employers. 

2. Be Present and Engaged 

Online presence is crucial for boosting the company's reputation online. While an employee is actively engaging in discussions, posting and sharing relevant information, not only he is promoting the company's brand, he is also showing loyalty to the company. This would help score interviews for more advanced job positions in the future. 

Post information about the company's upcoming events to generate interest in the trade. Write about your own performance in the company. Share information on other social network platforms and motivate people to check out your profile and experience the company's policy. 

3. Be Authentic 

Authenticity is what profile viewers best respond to. If your LinkedIn profile is designed for a job search, the authenticity aspect reflects in including the right job-related keywords. If you want to promote the company’s image, being unique means revealing your working experience in the company. Demonstrate your views of the company's effect on the market as well as its future achievements. 

4. Beat The Competition 

10 out of 10 employees will claim they are creative and hardworking. Just as well, there are several companies in one market niche that offer relatively the same service. You have to figure out a way to distinguish your business and beat the competition. Find a feature that makes you stand out from the crowd and sell it. Look back and think of the unique projects you've worked on in the last years. How has it influenced the company or your working pattern? Find the feature that translates into future success and promote it. 

5. Have Some Fun 

There is a place to relax and have fun while running a business. For example, the TINYpulse attracted new employers with a suggestion to rank their level of awesomeness. They then proceeded to ordinary questions about creative skills, but job candidates surely had more fun answering them and hoping to contribute to a company that is cool. 

6. Visualize 

Pictures and snapshots of the employees daily life are good for demonstrating the company's culture. For example, the United Shore company put out a picture of their employees at their latest gathering. 

Nearly a thousand of workers dressed in brightly-colored clothes illuminating with happiness showed how big their support network is and how diverse the company's approaches are. The photo was backed up by an enthusiastic motivational pitch to be yourself and how your unique skills would be valued at the company. 

Another way to improve the company's brand is to post recruitment videos featuring real workers and their experiences. Both these visual tools show what kind of employees the company is targeting motivating job candidates to apply. 

Finally, include relevant links on the LinkedIn profile. Either provide a direct link to check out more info about the company or leverage the ad space to direct visitors to the Career Page. Don't waste this space!

The essential thing is advancing a person's or a company talent is creating a brand. Create a brand with unique service and opportunities and engage everyone who will listen.

I hope you enjoyed this article about how to boost employer branding on LinkedIn.

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