Trying to find the job in a startup company? Looking to compete with the top graduates and experienced tech industry veterans? Then you should definitely realize what these young entrepreneurs look for when they hire employees.
For instance, Google might need to hire 5,000 new employees a year while the tiny startup company you apply to might need 5 or even one new employees. Still, the role of that employee is much more visible. In the company with 5 employees, each of them is responsible for 20% of the entire work and 20% of a company’s success or failure. While in Google each new employee might get lost against dozens of outstanding specialists!
It explains the strict requirements of the startup owners. Their success depends much on your work. Therefore, you should work hard on your resume or CV to help take your career to the next level! In this article, you will find useful tips on how to write a perfect startup resume. If you still need extra help, you can consider applying to resume writing services to save your time!
1. Focus On Big Experience If Possible
Startup companies evaluate experience in the big companies even higher than experience in equally small startups. The descriptions of the companies from Silicon Valley are stuffed with Ex-Apple, Ex-Google, or Ex-Salesforce employees even before the startup is launched.
It’s easy to explain this common tendency. Business professionals rely on the experience of their employees very much. An experienced team of professionals with vast knowledge got in the big company is worth millions. Therefore, your work experience, internship, or even freelance work in the “giants” are welcome.
Plus, startup owners would like to see your entrepreneurial experience – your ability to organize the work, make decisions and accept responsibility, and work extra hours.
If you can’t combine your knowledge in your resume or have no solid experience at all, you can consider some benefits of professional resume writing service and get an outstanding targeted resume or CV for a startup!
2. Skills Verified With Results
Of course, your skills and personality matter a lot but the startup owners don’t focus on the potential. They want to see the results of your work. You should show how you use your skills at work and how the startup could benefit from them.
There are two best ways to present the results:
• Quantity. Yes, numbers matter. They amuse and give a clear vision of the value of your work. For instance, in your resume, you can write: “Boosted revenue of the company 10% in two months” or “Increased website pageviews from 5,000 to 100,000 in three months”.
• If you have no numerical results to share, you can mention the brand you managed to work with. For instance, you can write “Managed to reach an agreement with Disney. In the result, the company signed a million dollar contract”.
3. Find The Golden Middle
Now. let’s talk about the style and the language of your resume or CV. Definitely, you should avoid jargon or specific terms and acronyms that your Grandma also wouldn’t understand. As you know, employers don’t dedicate much time to read a resume. If they don’t get what you reached and what you can offer in 10 minutes, they won’t get it at all. Still, you shouldn’t be too straightforward as well. For instance, such bullet points as:
• I applied...
• I reached...
• I dealt...
• I developed...
Don’t maintain the atmosphere of the slight chaos that is typical for startups. The biggest thing that you will learn about the startup is that there is nothing predictable at all.
4. Include The Right Set Of Keywords
You know that major companies use Applicant Tracking Systems to bolt out 100% unsuitable resumes. This tendency is spreading over the smaller companies and startups. So, make sure that your resume has the keywords that will suit the inquiries of the employers. Plus, when reading a resume with relevant keywords, the attitude to the resume changes. The recruiter feels like you are a good fit because posses required skills and knowledge.
5. Mention Similar Experience
In the case, if you don’t switch your career, you definitely have similar working experience. Startup owners would like to see it. It’s like the first sign that the resume is worth reading.
Still, if you write “Programmer – Level 1” in the resume for a Front End Developer position, the recruiter will be at least confused. If you write “Front End Developer”, he will understand what skills you might have.
6. Show That You Want This Job
Your passion and desire mean a lot. There are cases when recruiters choose candidates with weaker skills but those, who are ready to teach and have an outstanding desire to work in this industry, in this company, and occupy this position. You can write it on your resume but be careful. It’s okay to mention it in a cover letter but the best way would be to show it during the interview.
Also show your passion and professionalism with a professional headshot on your resume and LinkedIn. Look the part and make yourself the top candidate.
7. Get Referred
Of course, one of the easiest ways to get an invitation to a job interview is to get referred. Probably, you have a friend working in your dream company and he can say a word about you. Plus, you definitely heard about networking on LinkedIn or on any other social media. It works. So, don’t neglect it.
8. Write A Clear Objective
An objective stays at the top of your resume and it should be brief but clear. Check the examples of the best and worst resume and CV objective ever. Learn from mistakes and get inspired by the successful objectives! Get the point across and don't get side-tracked. Keep it simple!
9. Share Additional Resources
You don’t know how a recruiter will react to your resume. Probably, he will need more information and will look for the resources to find it. You can provide them beforehand only in the case if they somehow refer to the specifics of your profession. For instance, you have a website with your own articles. Share it. Don’t leave a Facebook link with your private party photos on it.
10. Name It
It might seem obvious but you don’t even imagine how much “My Resume.pdf” files many recruiters receive. Remember that a name of the file should include your own name. Don't miss out on a career-changing and lucrative opportunity because you were too lazy to label your file.
CV Conclusion
Of course, these ten points aren’t the ultimate ones when we talk about the startup resume or CV. By following these tips you will manage to create a great resume that will stand out for those startup hiring managers!
I hope you enjoyed this article about how to successfully target your resume or CV to the startup of your dreams.
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