Having an accessible business is one of the ways to ensure business success. A business that is welcoming to all, with no barriers, ensures that you have can engage with a wider range of customers as well as build trust. Older people, in particular, can find it difficult to engage with some businesses, facing several issues both online and in physical business premises.
With older people becoming a significant part of the consumer market - it’s in your interest to make your business accessible to them. Here are four ways to go about it.
1. Consider Vision-Friendly Text Options
As you get older, your eyesight deteriorates. This can make it difficult to read words on a web page or a flyer and may mean that older people miss out on the full picture or even agree to terms without reading the small print. Consider making your written output available in different large print sizes, while online visibility can easily be increased with options in your menu or sidebar to increase the font size.
2. Offer A Phone Number To Contact You
While there is an increasing number of ‘silver surfers’ making the most of the internet, not everyone is fully comfortable with it. Some people would simply prefer to pick up the phone and talk to a real person instead. There are many proven benefits of listing a phone number on your website, and while many people will choose to contact you online for convenience - a phone number could make all the difference to your older customers.
3. Make Sure Your Business Premises Is Accessible
Accessibility is an important issue, and ensuring your premises is accessible to anyone who wishes to visit is part of being a conscientious business owner. Enlist the help of a fall prevention agency to help you ensure your business is as safe as can be to prevent falls and other accidents. This is not only good practice for older people, but for your employees too.
4. Train Staff To Be Patient And Understanding
You’ll hear many stories of older people who have been left upset or angry after an encounter with a customer service agent or salesperson. When you work in these roles, it’s important to offer a fair and respectful service to everyone. Seniors can often struggle to express themselves effectively, so a customer service agent with patience and understanding is a must. Strengthen your customer service to seniors by training your staff well and monitoring their performance to ensure they engage with all customers in an appropriate manner.
Improved Accessibility
As a business owner, you can help to make your business as accessible as possible to the widest range of people. If you’re serious about using digital marketing to draw consumers to your business, you need to make sure that the end product is something that they can use without stress or hassle. Seniors are a key part of your consumer base, so make sure your business appeals to them by making it accessible and open to all.
I hope you enjoyed this article about ways to make your company more accessible and appealing to senior citizens.
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- Tips To Build A Reliable Reputation In Business
- How To Earn A Good Better Business Bureau Rating
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