How To Get Your Retail Store Through Year One

how to get retail shop through first year

When you first start a business, it can be difficult going up against your more established competition. As a small fish in a big pond you have to get your name out there and promote yourself if you want to stand a chance. Even if you know you have a good business idea selling things that people want, customers are unlikely to just stumble upon your business. 

Here are 4 of the things you can do to boost sales and get your brick and mortar company through its first year.

Choose a Good Ecommerce Platform 

An online store that looks smart and professional is crucial. It needs to be practical and intuitive for customers to use, with an easy checkout system and something that’s fast to load. So browse different types of ecommerce software and find one which suits your vision and budget. Your store is essentially be the ‘face’ of your company, so it needs to be right so that you’re not putting off customers. An ecommerce site that works well on smartphones and tablets is also important, since as of last year people now buy online more on these devices than laptops or desktop computers. 

Blog For Your Business 

Blogging has the potential to do excellent things for your business. First of all, every time you publish a post it provides another opportunity for your site to come up in search engines. If you post regular, engaging content could lead to followers or shares on social media which is a free way to get your company name out there even further. When you have a blog for your business, it makes it look more legitimate trustworthy which is something you have to work hard to prove as a new business. In general, blogging is an excellent way to promote your business and can also lead to more sales. There are lots of freelance writers online you could hire to write your posts for you, simply let them know the topic and any points you’d like including and they will create something with the right style and tone for a blog. 

Hire An SEO Professional 

Search engine optimisation (SEO) can be a bit of a minefield, so hiring an SEO professional could be the way to go. They will make sure that your store ranks as highly as possible within search engines which will mean more organic traffic and a boost in sales for you. They will also be able to give you advice about what the best techniques are for turning website views into sales. As a small business, you will need to be as discoverable as possible if you want to succeed. 

Take Advantage Of Social Media 

Blogging and social media go hand in hand. Links to products aren’t very share-friendly and will only appeal to people looking to buy that exact product. Blog post on the other hand offer something to a reader- whether it’s information, wit and humor. People will often share interesting blog posts to their friends and followers on social media, which is of course fantastic news for your company. It means more people clicking through to your posts which are integrated with your website and shop. 

Final Thoughts

It’s a much better way to get people engaged rather than just tweeting out or posting the link to your products or website since this will just look spammy. Well run social media accounts will also promote your ecommerce site which again means more custom.

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I hope you enjoyed this article about how to get your brick and mortar retail store through its first year of business.

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- How Your Retail Store Can Cash In On Payments

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