When it comes to promoting your business online, there are so many different forms of advertising that it can be impossible to know where to begin. From banner adverts to pay-per-click, you’re faced with a thousand and one different options and no idea which is going to bring forth the best results for you.
One of the most common, though still relatively new, methods of promotion is to pair with a social media influencer. These high-profile users have a dedicated fanbase ready to lap up information on your company, which sounds pretty ideal -- but is it?
If you have wondered about partnering with a social media influencer, then it’s time to drill right down into it: is working with an influencer a good idea or a bad one?
GOOD IDEA: Influencers Can Connect To Your Audience Better Than Standard Ads
Influencers have a better connection with their audience than almost any other form of advertising. They know their audience, how to market to them, and what will work. This can give you an “in” to a community or demographic that might otherwise be difficult for you to appeal to. For example millennials can be notoriously difficult to market to -- unless you use an influencer.
BAD IDEA: Influencers Can Be Unreliable
While some influencers are as professional and courteous as you might have hoped, the truth is that some aren’t. For some, their work isn’t a full-time profession. It’s more of a side gig to supplement their main income. As a result, their attitude to the work is not necessarily as good as you might hope. There are ways and means of ensuring you weed out the good influencers from the bad, of course. Partnering with the likes of social media experts to ensure you find the right social media influencers for your brand can make a big difference. All the research is done by them, so you can just focus on looking forward to the returns that you are able to generate.
GOOD IDEA: Influencers Are More Trusted By User Base
The reason that influencers know their audience so well is because they reach so many people online, but more importantly they engage with them. This engagement goes both ways; the audience tend to be better connected to the influencer, so they have an emotional attachment which makes the audience trust the influencer more. If you want your brand to be authentic and endorsed by those “in the know”, then partnering with an influencer is the most direct route to achieving this.
BAD IDEA: When Relationships With Influencers Go Wrong
If you do enter into business relationships with influencers, then you have to behave impeccably. If you don’t -- such as forgetting to pay an invoice -- then they could turn and “out” you on social media. No business wants or needs this kind of promotion.
Overall, working with an influencer is a very good idea, provided you make a few allowances in your expectations of their behavior and are determined to honor the agreements you make with them. Do you see your business forming a digital marketing relationship with an influencer in the future?
I hope you enjoyed this article about whether influencers are good for your overall marketing strategy.
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