When you’ve decided to go it alone and start out with your bootstrapped business, you’re often in hustle mode. You know you’ve got a lot of work on your hands with your business ideas, and you want to get the ball going. But sometimes, you will find that you can’t do it all. It’s not easy to have to do everything yourself, and although at first, you want to get everything going on your own and with a low (or non-existent) budget, but after a while, you’ll realize that you can change the way you operate.
When you have a bit more money to spend, you should think about outsourcing something - especially when it comes to your marketing. You will be able to get an expert on the case and free up your time for more important things. But how do you decide on which to outsource? Let’s have a look at five key contenders and how you could go about it.
First up, there’s PR. PR is something that you often need a specialist on - unless you’ve worked in PR yourself. It takes a certain kind of personality, and contacts, to be able to get stories out there and secure that coverage. If you’ve not been doing enough for yourself, and you have no experience, PR could be the area you look to outsource first, purely because you want to get the right people in to get results.
Social Media
But you may also like the idea of having someone else execute your social media strategy. Because, let’s face it, social media and content creation can take up a lot of time. You might like pulling together the strategy yourself, but scheduling tweets and preparing Facebook posts can take forever. So you may want to find a virtual assistant that can take all of this on for you.
Then there’s also SEO. If you’ve managed to nail your SEO yourself, you will know how much work it will take. And there comes a time where you need to be focused on growing the business and not putting all of your efforts into one area. So get a sample SEO proposal to find out what you’re getting into. Then you should be able to choose the right company for you and ensure that your SEO is in the right hands.
Web Design
More often than not, choosing to outsource your web development will always be a winning choice. Web design can be tough if you’re not a pro. It’s also time-consuming. So find a good web designer that can take it all off of your hands and carry out any edits for you when you need them. Because why spend hours drowning on code when an expert can make changes in minutes.
Direct Marketing
But another rivaling marketing area to outsource would be your direct marketing. Although more modern methods are favored these days, direct marketing can still work like a charm. Whether you want to send out a newsletter or start with some warm-sales lead generation, your efforts could be both more effective and more cost-effective if you work with a company or consultant that gets results.
I hope you enjoyed this article about areas of your business that you could outsource to save your company money and focus more on core competencies.
Interested in more articles about outsourcing to save?
Read My Posts:
- 5 Departments Your Business Could Outsource
- How To Save Money Through Outsourcing Internationally
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