Google Analytics Academy Certification Exam Answers

Google Analytics Academy Certification Answers Certificate

Google Analytics Academy Certified Answers

Read Google Analytics Certification Guide Notes PART 1 First

Welcome back to the Bootstrap Business complimentary guide to getting certified in Google Analytics. So far Google has provided a great free certification course with plenty to apply to your daily tasks in digital marketing, website development, and more. 

After completing the Google Analytics Certification course you will come away from this course with more than just a digital marketing industry-recognized certificate. You will enhance your overall understanding of digital marketing and maximize the ROI of your future campaigns with Google or any online asset. 

If you are looking for more Google certification exam preparation guides and answers, check this website.

Creating A Measurement Plan:

1) Record business and marketing goals
2) Determine strategy to support goals
3) Determine metrics to be KPI: Key Performance Indicators
4) Determine how to segment data
5) Choose targets for KPI

Create Implementation Plan:

1) Define business needs
2) Record technical environment of your business
3) Create Implement plan specific to your analytics tools. Define code snippets and exact product features needed to track data.
4) Implement Plan
5) Maintain, Review, Analyze, Refine, etc

Also Plan For:

- Query String Parameters
- Server Redirects- Flash & AJAX Events
- Multiple Subdomains
- Responsive Web Design

Create Your Business Implementation Plan:

- Standard Dimensions & Tags: Basic Page Tag
- Business Tags: Goals & Ecommerce
- Clean Accurate Data: Filters / Settings
- Marketing Channels: Campaign Tracking & AdWords Linking
- Simplified Reporting: Custom Reports & Dashboards

Google Analytics Basics:

- Past a javascript code on all pages of your website for data
- Hit - Interaction - small data package (browser, OS, ref URL, etc)

Mobile Apps & Google Analytics:

- Different implementation depending on OS
- Activities tracked on mobile as opposed to page views
- Hits / activities from offline devices stored and sent once online

Collection --> Processing --> Configuration --> Reporting

Google Analytics Tools:

Dimensions: Characteristics of users (ex. demographic), sessions (ex. referring URL), and interactions (ex. name of page viewed)

Metrics: Quantitative data of users, sessions, and actions for marketing

a) Audience Metrics - Visitors or users (new vs. returning)
b) Behavior Metrics - Pages per visit
c) Conversion Metrics - Conversion rates

Sessions - consecutive page visits until inactivity for 30 minutes, or longer if you set definitions.

Events - watching a video for example within your site

Bounce Rate - % of sessions with only 1 page view

Setting Up Google Analytics:

Properties: Split assets into Blog, Site, Mobile App, etc

Views: Set up different views based on country / division / permissions

Also set up: Unfiltered View, Master View (with appropriate data filters), Test View (experimentation)

Filters: Remove all views from internal IP Address (for example). Case sensitive! Use lower case filter for aggregate information. (Filter Field: Request URL)

Conditions: Instructions to Google Analytics to transform data within a view.
Condition = True = Action Taken
Condition = False = No action taken

Filter order matters!

Goals: Set at the view level.

1) Destination (screen goal for app)
2) Duration
3) Pages / Screens per visit
4) Event

Funnel: Defined process users complete for conversion. Learn where customers drop off and redesign bottleneck pages

Ecommerce Reporting: Analytics & Ecommerce code added to site and receipt page after payment completed.

Source: Website or named (example: January Newsletter)
Medium: How they got from website to yours or (Email)

Campaign Tags: (Google Adwords automatically imports tags)

1) Source
2) Medium
3) Campaign
4) Term (Optional)
5) Content (Optional) different versions

Google Adwords also includes keyword match type and ad placement url. This is important for your Google SEO strategy!

Create custom dimensions such as "industry" via contact forms.

Now you are ready to take the Google Analytics Certification Exam! Good luck and make sure to re-read this study guide and answers before the Google Analytics certification test!

You can also become Google AdWords Certified as well. Click my Google AdWords Certification Guide to study up! To get Google AdWords Certified you will need to complete a 2nd required specialization course option. I chose the Google AdWords Video Advertising Course.

Already passed your exam? 

Expand your knowledge with more digital marketing certifications:

- Get HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certified

- Get HootSuite Social Media Marketing Certified

digital media startup guide notes ebook

I hope you enjoyed this notes and answers guide on the certification process for the Google Analytics Academy Certified courses.

Interested in learning more about digital marketing and analytics?

Read My Blog Posts:

- Digital Marketing Trends To Follow Closely

- Leveraging Local SEO For Small Business

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