Screenshot from Facebook / The Verge
Facebook is adding a feature similar to the LinkedIn endorsements that have been available since 2013. According to Facebook's official page (along with Business Insider and other various publications), this new option will allow users to tag their friends with various skills and talents. Users must first accept the tags before they would be displayed on their profiles on the left tab area under their picture and general information. It looks a lot more informal and "fun" compared to the business skill descriptions used on LinkedIn. If you are using your Facebook profile for business purposes like myself, or strive to maintain a professional online presence, you may end up opting out of this feature or only choosing to display the more serious tags available.
Will this end up being interesting for a few weeks and then more of an annoyance? (are you also still getting poke notifications? Candy Crush app invitations?)

This feature may end up being more successful on Facebook than on LinkedIn, but time will tell. LinkedIn's Skills and Endorsement features have worked better for some users than others. Some people don't take it seriously and endorse their friends for ridiculous skills. Others get endorsed by many people they have met once (or never) so the meaning of their endorsements is diminished. Not everyone realizes they have almost complete control over their skills displayed, the list order, who's endorsements can be displayed, and whether LinkedIn recommends your skills to be endorsed by your connections. I personally have been satisfied with that section of my LinkedIn social media profile over the past couple of years. While the Endorsements might give you some legitimacy, the formal Recommendations are much more meaningful.
Apparently I know a lot about Facebook and Social Media!
And while we're discussing Facebook, see why Facebook Page Owners like myself are Disliking Shrinking Organic Reach.
I hope you enjoyed this article about Facebook's development of new profile tags and endorsements similar to LinkedIn.
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Michael J. Schiemer of Schiemer Consulting
Frugal Owner of Bootstrap Business
Money - Marketing - Motivation
Digital Marketing, Social Media, & SEO
Mike Schiemer Builds Better Business
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