Working from home is a nice privilege. It gives you more flexibility, more freedom, more time to spend with your family, and you are saving a ton of time and money on the commute, which is nice. But there is a downside to working from home that people don’t always mention.
How do you unwind at the end of the day?
For many people, leaving the office and driving home is key to their relaxation process. It helps them enter “family mode,” before they actually get back home.
But the separation between work and the rest of your life doesn’t really exist when your office is just off the family room.
Is it possible to maintain a well-balanced remote workspace? In this article, we take a look at how you can create a healthy workspace from the comfort of your home.
Designate A Specific Space
The first thing you need to do is figure out where you are going to work. Ideally, you will be able to find a space that feels separate and distinct from the rest of your house. This will have the practical function of giving you privacy while you pluck away throughout the day.
It will also make it easier to wind down at the end of the day. If you have a designated office space, you can leave work behind the moment the door closes at the end of the day.
Obviously, everyone is going to have different access to remote workspace. The important thing is to establish a distraction-free environment that allows you to be productive.
Give Your Equipment Some Thought
Naturally, you probably don’t have the same resources at home that office buildings have. However, you should make sure that your workspace has at least basic equipment that allows you to be as productive as possible.
This will include basic considerations— computer, printer, fax machine, etc. But it should also include safety considerations as well.
While you are buying equipment for your home office, think about ways to introduce ergonomics into your routine. Ergonomic products are designed to be used over and over again without causing injury. Which sounds like the very least a product can do, but unfortunately, that’s not always the case.
Ergonomic equipment often does cost a little bit more than the traditional alternatives. However, you may be able to at least partially fund the acquisitions through work-provided stipends. Many employers will provide their staff with cash to fund their home office equipment. Others have funds specifically reserved for ergonomic equipment.
Speak with your employer to find out what they will provide.
Develop An Effective Wind-Down Routine
Finally, it is important to develop a routine that allows you to feel like work is complete for the day. When all of your projects are just a room away, it can be easy to dwell on what needs to be done. However, to maintain a good work-life balance, it is important to set rules for yourself.
Some people are able to achieve this balance simply by deciding not to answer emails or check reports outside of their usual 9-5 hours.
Other people need a more deliberate routine. Maybe you click out of work mode by going on a run or doing a mindfulness exercise. Maybe it is yoga, or even a silly YouTube video that helps put you in a more relaxed frame of mind.
It doesn’t really matter what the activity is. The important thing is finding a routine that will allow you to click off at the end of the day.
All Of This Is Great, Except That I Live In A Small Apartment
It is true that many of the suggestions on this list operate on the assumption that you will be able to make a designated workspace within your home. The truth, however, is that home offices are a privilege-something that many people may not have access to.
You don’t need some fancy oak-paneled room to work successfully from home. If you have enough space for yourself and a computer, it can be done successfully.
In smaller spaces, it is just a question of finding a way to be comfortable while working. Even if you are working from the dining table, there are ways that you can tweak the space to feel more like an office when you are working. Bring over an office chair. Bring out a couple of those silly desk toys.
The actual specifics of what you do aren’t important. Just find a way to make the space feel professional. And then, when your work day is complete, put all of that stuff to the side.
Ultimately, you have to keep in mind that, even though remote work comes with trade-offs, it is a unique opportunity that most people thrive in. That is exactly why almost 40% of people are still choosing to do it long after the pandemic has receded.
It is a privilege to be able to work from home and spend more time with your family. However, it is also normal to miss certain aspects of working in a physical office space.
If you are struggling between a desire to work from home, and the occasional need to work in a more concentrated environment, there may be options out there for you.
Find out if your employer has physical collaboration spaces in your area. Many businesses that are now operating remotely will still maintain smaller office spaces in major cities.
There are also lots of workspaces available for single-day use. Some of them cost money, while others are completely free.
Completely free you ask?
Sure thing frugal business owners. Call your local library and see if they rent out work rooms. There is a good chance they do.
Remember that flexibility is one of remote work’s best features. But it is a two-sided affair. Be flexible enough to maximize the arrangement’s potential.
There are a million ways to work remotely. Finding success is all about using the one that works best for you and your home office.