Every business should be a sustainable business, but it is not always that easy. Or is it?
With eco-consciousness surging in popularity, increasingly more companies are adapting their practices to match today’s expectations and turn from wasteful into green. Apart from reducing carbon footprint, this eco-conscious approach can lure consumers interested in caring for this planet. Nevertheless, becoming sustainable is not something that materialises overnight; businesses that long for it need a strategic plan of action in place and an insightful methodology about their practices to reach that goal.
Larger corporations might find it more challenging to adjust to these realities, as an entire system needs to be remodelled. In contrast, smaller businesses and start-ups may find it easier to adapt. Whatever your business size, learn that nothing is impossible and with perseverance and desire for change, you can see beyond the struggles.
Since this green wave is not to let up anytime soon, here are some practical yet innovative ways to bring sustainability in your company:
Introduce A Comprehensive Recycling Program
One of the biggest challenges to becoming more ecologically responsible is an unfocused, nebulous plan regarding recycling. So, when implementing a recycling program, consider everything from procedures and policies to technologies. Recycling will help your company diminish waste sent to landfills, save resources, minimise emissions related to transporting waste to landfills, and conserve energy. But it is not enough to just preach the three Rs (reduce, recycle, reuse) but train your labourers to recycle more often, bring in adequate trash cans and compactors, and talk to internal stakeholders about introducing recycling systems suitable for the materials typically produced by your organisation, be it plastic, paper, or compost.
Selecting proper recycling streams should not be complicated since many reputable companies provide entrepreneurs with balers and compactors in Belgium. If you make an objective out of this, there is no way to lose. Nonetheless, when eventually implementing recycling bins in the workplace, be sure you label them based on the types of items that go in there so that employees are not confused.
Consider Renewable Energy
Solar, geothermal, wind - all are renewable energy. Investing in sustainable energy can benefit your business significantly, lowering your enterprise’s carbon footprint. But before making this move, inform about the primary power source in your region and government programmes applicable in your country. Since some of these technologies can imply a steep price tag, you may want to reconsider your choices. Thus, an alternative to implementing renewable energy might be purchasing RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates) from your local energy supplier. These certificates validate that your company is fueled by eco-friendly energy from the net while making it possible for you to save money and time otherwise required by DIY clean power.
Green Cloud Computing
Medium defines green cloud computing (GCC) as an eco-friendly manner to reduce computing resource consumption and negative outcomes on the environment. The concept has allowed IT resources and computing services, including backup, analytics, storage, software, and databases, to be done remotely, thus without the implication of a physical server. Removing physical servers from organisations and offering the possibility to operate remotely, green cloud computing is about to become a huge sustainability trend.
Even if traditional cloud computing has proved useful in many instances, it is still a great energy consumer. This rise in electricity use has led to a considerable increase in environmental carbon emissions. Solutions have to be found, and fortunately, there is hope. Green cloud computing is the next revelation in terms of e-waste reduction, as well as in remote work and digitisation. The GCC’s primary objective is to minimise data centre energy usage, and that is why it is being pushed today.
Cloud computing and the no longer need to print anything is already ecologically reasonable, but if you wish to be truly green, consider adopting green cloud computing.
It Is Those Little Habits That Count
Employees may tend to produce a lot of waste in their break rooms. Using disposables and plastic cutlery and throwing food scraps chaotically are some of the most common habits resulting in more waste than expected. Therefore, be sure you take this aspect into account when implementing recycling and reusing programs in the workplace. Some of the most helpful practices you can promote among employees include:
● introduce a composting system for food remains
● get rid of disposable and start providing reusable cups, mugs, and biodegradable or reusable coffee pods
● opt for biodegradable options, such as wood and bio-plastics, instead of plastic cutlery
Packaging is also a critical aspect to have in mind when reimagining your way of doing business with a green theme. Surely, it is always a good idea to prioritise paper over plastic, but there are many more sustainable options to choose from, including biodegradable packing peanuts, recycled cardboard, corrugated bubble wrap, cornstarch and mushroom packaging, and organic fabrics (palm leaves, tapioca, hemp, etc.). So, you may want to think about these, too, but first have in mind the type of products your business provides, as packaging has to align with this aspect.
Encourage Greener Commute Options
Surprisingly or not, vehicle transportation is one of the leading contributors to daily gas emissions. Millions of employees worldwide drive millions of cars to go and leave work every day, highly contributing to air pollution. Thus, the need for greener transportation has never been greater. Luckily, there are many options, including public transportation, bikes, scooters, and even walking, that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Consider encouraging this type of commute among labourers by explaining to them the devastating consequences on the environment of driving vehicles every day. You can also inform them about the health benefits of walking or biking to work. If none of these is possible, ensure at least you implement an employee carpool programme. This is particularly helpful when there are workers that live far from the office building.
Carpooling, biking, walking, or taking the tram/bus are all eco-friendly forms of transportation that help labourers contribute to sustainability.