Workers' Compensation
You may have a slight idea of what workers' compensation is, but perhaps you never understood this benefit that employers must have available for their employees until you needed to file for workers' comp. The thing is that some employees have a difficult time collecting workers' compensation because their employer does not want to pay them and tries to prove that they are not entitled to receive workers' compensation benefits.
When you are hurt on the job by a negligent coworker or employer and cannot work for the short or long term, workers' comp is available in exchange for not claiming a lawsuit against the company. When you sign into any company, it pays to read all the tiny print and read your employee handbook thoroughly. Your employer pays for insurance every month for all employees if they are hurt on the job and cannot work.
This insurance pays you a percentage of your wages while you are off work healing. Workers' compensation comes under the umbrella of an additional medical benefit for employees. This insurance is provided in exchange for not filing a lawsuit against your employer for negligence in the workplace. Your workers' comp is a sure bet but offers limited coverage for a limited amount of time. When the workers' comp runs out, and you still cannot work, you get no more money. Then what do you do?
You must also understand that employers do not want to pay you workers' comp, at least any more than they must. However, employers would rather pay workers' compensation than have you sue them for negligent actions. A workers' comp attorney can look at your situation and injuries and calculate how much money you need to pay mounting medical bills and replace your income for the rest of your life if you can never work again, giving you substance to live. You cannot do this without your attorney's help.
Eligibility For Workers' Compensation
All employees in any industry have the right to a safe workplace environment. Workers' comp must be available in case you are hurt on the job. This insurance requires a lot of documentation and paperwork, and an attorney can help you with this process. An attorney makes sure that you receive the maximum amount of benefits allowed, in addition to the best medical care, payment of mounting medical bills, and income until you can return to work.
A seasoned attorney whose expertise in workers' compensation laws in the state of New York works hard to ensure you receive the highest amount of benefits if you are permanently disabled for the long-term or the rest of your life.
How Do I Know I Am Eligible For Workers' Compensation?
You may or may not be covered under this insurance. There are specific criteria you must meet to receive a workers' comp award. The following are guidelines you must meet to file and receive workers' compensation.
• Under New York Law, your employer must provide workers' compensation insurance. Under New York law, you are covered for on-the-job accidents and injuries.
• You must make out an accident or incident report as soon as possible after you are hurt on the job. You have 24 hours to submit this report to your employer. New York law states that you must outline a written notice of the incident that caused your injuries. You have no more than 30 days after the incident to submit this written report to your employer. Make copies of everything you submit to any person in regards to your workplace incident. Keep these copies in a safe place. Your attorney may request copies of all documents you submit to your employer.
• This law says that your injuries, illness, or disability must be directly connected to your job and must have occurred while you were on the job and performing your duties as outlined in your job description.
• This step for seeking medical treatment immediately after your incident is vital to the filing of your claim. You must seek medical treatment to file a workers' compensation claim.
• Your attending physician treating you must submit a medical report stating that your accident / injury / illness / disability happened while on the job. Frequently, companies have their own workers' compensation doctors, and you have no choice but to visit this doctor.
• If you attempt to see your doctor and your doctor knows that this is a workers' compensation visit, your doctor will likely not get involved. However, if you are transported by ambulance for medical treatment, the ambulance will take you to the nearest hospital and doctor.
• When your employer tells you to go for medical treatment, you do not argue; you go where they say and see the doctor, they ask you to see. If you do not do this, it could harm your claim.
Confusing And Complicated Process Of Filing Workers' Compensation
This New York work injury lawyer explains and helps you to sort out the complicated and confusing workers' compensation laws. It is best if you were to contact this workers' compensation attorney for a consultation.
It is vital to your claim that you make no mistakes because your claim could be denied. A seasoned workers' comp attorney makes sure that you are treated fairly, all forms are filled out correctly, and timeframes are met as specified. We work hard to ensure your future after your incident.
Additionally, we investigate all aspects of your case and help to gather vital information you may otherwise miss. We may order workplace videos and all documentation related to your case. We interview all witnesses involved in your incident. This information and more is essential in determining what happened. We make sure that you receive just and fair compensation for your work-related accident/injury/illness.