Unplanned fires occur every day, catching homeowners and entrepreneurs by surprise, despite the potential for one bursting out in your building. A National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) report shows that in the United States, 1.3 million fires occur each year, including vehicle fires, house fires, and other fire incidents. It is imperative you are prepared with the right equipment and commercial emergency lighting for safety.
The fires cause around 3,400 deaths, 14,700 injuries, and $10.6 billion worth of property damage every year.
You can protect your business from fire if you follow the below safety advice.
Good Housekeeping
Seek fire protection services and regularly check for fire hazards such as the following:
• Inspect cables for breaks and frays and plug them tightly into the outlets.
• Connecting surge protectors and power strips at the same time is also a bad idea.
• Fire extinguishers and emergency exits should not be located near materials that should be stored.
• Aerosols, chemicals, and paper products should not be placed near heat sources.
• Don't spill sauces, fats, sugar, or other liquids on appliances.
• Always turn off tools and appliances when you see or smell smoke, flashing lights, or sparks.
Install Fire Extinguishers
To ensure fire safety in the workplace, fire extinguishers must be the right type:
• A Class A fire is a forest fire, a paper fire, or a textile fire.
• In the case of a class B fire, flammable liquids can be involved.
• The class C fire involves electrical appliances and equipment.
• In a Class D fire, metal shavings and powder are involved.
• Class K fire extinguishers must be installed in commercial and restaurant kitchens.
Employees need to use extinguishers correctly in an emergency, and people often forget to pull the pin first before pressing the handle.
Be Aware Of Your Risks
In different industries, small businesses are subject to varying types of fire risks. Those who handle combustible materials and work in manufacturing facilities are more likely to experience chemical fires. In contrast, those who work in restaurants are more likely to experience grease and kitchen fires.
To protect your business from fire, it is crucial to conduct a fire risk assessment. When you inspect the workplace for fire hazards, determine if there are any and remove them.
Review the fire codes in your area and on a national scale. Any threats that can't be eliminated entirely should be reduced in severity. Analyze the results and document them.
If you have conducted a fire assessment, revise your emergency preparedness plan. The meeting location and exit route for your team should be explained to the team. It should be clear to everyone what their responsibilities are, and a safety officer should be appointed.
Fire Protection Should Be Set Up
Sprinklers and fire alarm systems can help mitigate structure fires. A fire alarm system is a safety net that will catch fire at the start, helping to prevent damage. A quality fire alarm is therefore an important investment.
In order to provide a comprehensive fire protection system, both fire alarms and sprinklers are necessary. It is a legal requirement that all retail stores, malls, and office buildings have fire alarms.
The number of screws and the location of each screw will be determined by the building codes and industry codes. There are many benefits of a modern system, such as peace of mind and increased security.
Make sure to schedule maintenance and/or replacements of your fire safety equipment so you can continue reducing the risk long-term.