Everyone loves a bit of cash that can legally avoid the taxman, and there are plenty of places you can enjoy it. Although it doesn’t come easy.
Yes, you have to work to hard to get them, but the pay-off could potentially be worth millions, especially if Jeremy Clarkson and a certain ITV show is involved. But where can you get tax free winnings?
TV Game Shows
We’re going to start with the TV quiz show. There’s plenty of them out there and not only can you pick up some tax free cash, you could be a star of British daytime TV too. The likes of Pointless, The Chase, Tipping Point, all hand out handsome amounts of cash, while the Saturday evening quiz and challenge shows are where the real big bucks lie.
The likes of ITV and BBC have pages on their site on how to apply to be on TV quiz shows, although demand is large, so it isn’t guaranteed that your application will be accepted.
Competition Winnings
You’ll also find plenty of competitions to sign-up to on TV shows like This Morning. A win will also deliver your prize tax-free, while there are plenty of competitions elsewhere to enter too, from magazines to websites and social media.
In fact, you’ll even find sites online that catalogue all live competitions that are enterable right now, to make it even easier to enter than ever before.
The National Lottery
The National Lottery has been in existence since 1994 and has been handing out tax-free cash ever since. It produces millionaires on a weekly basis, with the one-time slogan of “it could be you”. And it certainly could be. You have as much chance as anyone else of winning the jackpot. Although it is a 45 million to one chance of winning the jackpot.
Similarly, bingo offers you just as much chance as anyone else in the game of winning, and doesn’t involve answering questions or taking on challenges. All you need is a marker pen and the ability to listen to the numbers drawn out and mark them off on your bingo card. Then, if you win, you don’t have to pay tax on what you earn.
Casino and Sport Betting
It’s the same with other areas of gambling, such as casino and sports betting. Any money won on the horses, or poker, or football, or roulette, you won’t have to hand over to the taxman.
Sports betting is one of the most popular methods of betting and earning tax free money. Although it does require a lot of skill, thought, strategy, knowledge and, of course, luck too if you want to make a success of it.