If you're among the 157 million Americans in the US workforce, you likely have wondered how you can make your day-to-day experiences more interesting. Luckily custom office supplies are a great way to showcase your taste and style while at work, show your love for your job, and make sure that you get in the right spirit to go to work each morning.
Here, we're going to talk about some branded and personalized products that will look amazing in your workspace. Read on for some custom office supplies ideas on how you can express yourself while on the job!
Name Plates
Nameplates are a great way to make a good first impression with potential clients. People find them to be exceedingly professional, which gives you perceptual credibility when consulting with those who may be interested in your services.
The professionalism of nameplates also is a good way to get others in your workplace- both coworkers and subordinates- to respect you as an authority in your field. You can express your professional persona by customizing the font on your nameplate. Times New Roman is perfect for those who want to convey that they're straight-laced, but you can use Typewriter to be a bit more unique.
Packing Materials
If you specialize in selling goods, you likely are frequently shipping your products to online customers. If you sell professional services, direct mail campaigns and on-paper promotions should be a part of your daily life.
No matter what the case is, customized packing materials with brand information on them are a great way to make yourself memorable. Custom tape can be personalized with your brand name and logo. Wrap it around a box in your company colors and you'll be ready to go!
Mousepads and Other Computer Accessories
It's the 21st century, and pretty much every American workplace relies on technology for all their needs. Logging, recording, tracking, communicating, and marketing are only a few of the ways that a business uses computers throughout its day.
You can get customized mouse pads that all employees can use at their computers while in the office. Print your logo on these mousepads to set the tone for work, but also think about ways that you can personalize them for each employee. If you don't need to buy in bulk, you can add their names to these accessories or have them made in their favorite color.
The same can be done for other computer accessories including ergonomic wristpads, frames that surround the desktop screen, and more.
Notebooks and Notepads
Just because computers are popular doesn't mean that other forms of notetaking are irrelevant. It's likely that you have taken notes with a pen and paper while on the phone with someone. You also may want to write order numbers down in a notebook when they're fulfilled to keep track of what has been done.
Personalized notebooks or notepads are both inexpensive and useful. You can buy them in bulk in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. People around the office can then choose the ones that they need based on how large or thick they need them to be.
Post-It Notes
For those who don't need as much space to jot things down as a notepad provides, post-its do the trick nicely. They can be put pretty much anywhere to remind you to complete tasks. Since they can be peeled off of your wall or desks as you check off parts of your to-do list, they're the perfect way to keep track of what has been done and what still needs to be.
You can get a bunch of post-it notes in little customized flip-open folders. Your brand information can be printed on the covers and distributed to people who come through your office. Since everyone can use post-its, you'll be giving people the chance to look at and remember your information constantly.
Paperweights are one of the most overlooked parts of office decor, but they're extremely important. After all, you don't want your important files to blow away. Even if all your files are digitized, they look awesome, which is a good enough reason to invest in them anyway.
You can get personalized paperweights in a huge number of different sizes and materials. Acrylic, metal, glass, and stone are all great materials that you can print your brand info on. If you want it to be customized for yourself rather than your brand, that also is cool- just get your initials on it and a quote or minimalist image that's meaningful to you.
Individualistic paperweights are a great conversation starter when new clients or prospective employees enter your office! Promotional
Products for Clients
Since 53% of people use a promotional product at least once a week, it's important that you make an impact with the ones that you give out. You can purchase them in bulk with your information on them. Make sure that you include contact info so that consumers and other businesses know how to get in touch with you.
If you're engaging in B2B marketing, you can also include the information of the business that you're sending your product to on the item. Placing your brand info side-by-side with theirs is a great way to make a connection between your two businesses.
Get Awesome Custom Office Supplies
Now that you know some of the best custom office supplies for your workspace. it's time to learn more about being successful in the workplace.
Check out the Startups or Career tab on our home page for more ideas on how to make your office more like a second home and how to present yourself as an awesome business to your clientele. Here, you'll find articles on a huge number of topics from making your space more ergonomic to custom office supplies when WFH, so start browsing today here on Bootstrap Business.