3 Business Strategies You Might Overlook

overlooked business strategies

When you decide to start a business, many strategies have to be put in place for such a business to succeed. Many new businesses fail because the business owner is either in a hurry to start it or does not know what is required of him. This is one of the reasons people should take time before they rush to start businesses. Many things should be put in place early enough before a business can be started. For instance, things like a business plan can help you set out your goals. You may also need to hire a Chief Technology Officer to ensure the business is friendly to modern times, because the CTO role is normally overlooked by businesses that are not properly planned and run. 

In this article, we shall discuss some of the critical strategies that many businesses could be overlooking hence leading to their downfall or dismal performance. Once we face the harsh reality of modern businesses and do the right thing, we should be able to break even as modern intrapreneurs. 

Here are 3 business strategies you might overlook: 

1. Lack Of A Business Plan 

This is one of the most commonly overlooked business strategies that many businesses start without. You may have a social media page for your business and start selling your company, but without a well set out business plan, it may be quite difficult for you to break even. A business plan helps you to set out your goals, your business team members, your company product packaging and offers, and so on. A business plan is your guide to the achievement of the ultimate goals of the business. 

2. Use Of Information Technology 

Like we said above, a company will require a CTO to guide it on how to carry out their roles using modern technology. You cannot run your business manually and expect to compete with modern businesses that use IT. There is a business system that works with your programs and as such, you must embrace such technologies to make it easy to run the business. As soon as you start your business, you should think about the business systems. You may even want to hire the services of a chief technology officer from another company to set things right for you before you hire your own. 

3. Lack Of Policies And Procedures 

Any successful business has policies in place that guide how their business transactions are carried out. The company has policies on how staff should treat customers, how goods should leave the company, and so on. The same companies have procedures on how senior staff deal with the junior staff, and so on. Policies and procedures ensure that a company runs successfully and that all the right steps are taken when implementing new ideas, launching new products, and so on. Policies and procedures can be written down, and all members supplied with copies of the same. These guidelines ensure that the business is run according to the laid down and accepted procedures. 


Other things that are normally overlooked are teamwork and participation in community affairs. Always ensure your business runs as a team and that you are giving back to the community as a way of appreciation.

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