The Historical Evolution Of Online Slot Games

evolution of online slot games history pokies casino gaming

Whether you are playing online pokies or in your local casino, slots are by far the most popular casino attractions. Which is why there are literally thousands of different games in all genres and categories to choose from. 

But have you ever wondered how that happened so quickly? the answer might surprise you that the online slots boom, has origins that date back over a hundred years. In this brief history, we will take a look at how they started and where slots are headed in the future. 

The Mid 90’s Slots Boom 

Slots, or pokies as we know them, hit the internet sometime around the mid-’90s and since then their popularity online continued to rise. At first, only the classic casino favorites were available. So people were logging on to play blackjack, roulette, poker, and other table games. Then developers created software slot games and changed the industry. 

First, they were done in the same style as the machines you find in casinos. They had the same number of reels and similar symbols. But once developers realized how much room there was to play and enhance the games, they started getting super creative. 

Now online slots make up the bulk of any casino whether online or land-based. And they also represent over 70% of casino revenue. 

These new games are loaded with incredible features and provide smooth and interesting gameplay. They are more fun and often rewarding than the original games. 

Features Of New Games 

With so many different layouts, genres, and structures to play with. You can find slot games to suit every type of personality or budget. There is an endless array of different slots to choose from, with a seemingly limitless number of reels and new and exciting symbols. 

Additionally, the number of developers and their portfolios continue to increase every year. Currently, there are over 100 different developers around the world of online slots. Including a handful of giants in the industry like BetSoft, Aristocrat, and Microgaming. Some of these developers have well over 500 different titles in their portfolios. 

There are roughly over 2,000 different slot games in existence at present. and they come in all genres and themes. There is also a lot of new categories of games to choose from, like jackpot slots which build up to millions of dollars that one lucky player can hit in a single spin. 

Perhaps the ability to win millions with just a wager of a few dollars is the main appeal of slots. Not to mention the ease of playing and the fun factor of the immersive new games. 

What The Future Holds For Online Slots 

We don’t imagine the popularity of slots will slow down any time soon. Developers have already started doing remakes of popular original games, upgrading the soundtracks and graphics, and adding new features. Which gives players new games to look forward to consistently. 

Additionally, as new movies and pop culture icons emerge, so do popular slot games that are based on them.

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