Due to the coronavirus, people have more spare time. For example, due the fact that they don’t have to travel to the office every day, but can simply start their workday at the kitchen table. Others, unfortunately, have lost their jobs or have no other option than to work less hours. Do you have more spare time? Then you may like to use the extra time wisely. Why not invest it in yourself? Start a course or training program that will help you grow. For example, on a personal level or in your career. In this article, we have listed a number of great ideas for you to invest your time wisely. If you’re considering a training or course, hopefully these ideas will help you out!
Gain New Skills And Knowledge
Would you like to upgrade your CV? Then start with an interesting course that really helps you further, either on a personal or a professional level. Many companies value employees who are familiar with a broad range of programs. Excel for example, is a program that you will encounter in many functional areas. After all, excel is the most well-known spreadsheet worldwide. A good understanding of Excel will help your process numbers more efficiently and manage data more effectively.
Do you want to be more creative? Then start a course in Photoshop or inDesign. Deze programs are extremely useful if you work with visual footage on a daily basis. Think for example of banners, advertisements, campaigns, blog posts or adjustments on websites. If you want to progress in making presentations, we advise you to start a course in Powerpoint.
Do you have your own website or do you like to start one? Then it’s useful to gain experience in Online Marketing. The online world is booming and if you really want to obtain a high position in the search engine, you should have an in-depth knowledge of SEO (organic traffic) and SEA (paid traffic).
You can also start a language course. Many companies such as Dutch companies are increasingly expanding their business to other countries. If your company does business at international level, it may be useful if you speak quite a bit of English. If you live in the Netherlands, it may be handy if you speak some French or German. After all, many Dutch companies are expanding their business to neighboring countries.
Choose The Right Form Of Training
Many standard courses consist of long stretches of text that are cumbersome to read. This often turns out to be a waste of time as this is not the best way to process and store information. Did you know that you only store 20% of what you read in a normal course or textbook? Therefore, pay close attention to what type of training you choose and especially what suits you. For example, you can choose an audiovisual course with visuals and exercises. Research shows that with an audiovisual course, you can memorize up to 80% of the material. Quite a difference, isn't it? Fortunately, there are also many courses that you can learn audiovisually, from a Dutch or English course to a VCA VOL course.
When will you start learning something new? Hopefully this article has given you some ideas!