Oregon has always been at the forefront of cannabis and hemp legislation: they legalized recreational cannabis use in 2015, and have continued to support the cannabis market. However, their laws around growing and distribution have changed more than once now going into 2022.
The laws around selling cannabis and growing cannabis in Oregon differ slightly. The growth of industrial hemp is heavily regulated, with many rules around what kinds of hemp you are allowed to grow. But if you're looking to produce a great CBD oil or experiment with other cannabinoids, hemp is your best choice.
But first things first: Before you can even consider starting your hemp farm, you must apply for an Oregon hemp license. This is priority zero in beginning a cannabis business.
What Is Hemp?
Hemp is a variety of cannabis plants. Though it is very similar to marijuana, hemp has lower levels of THC but contains many other cannabinoids and terpenes. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the infamous psychoactive compound that causes you to get high.
Oregon regulates the growth of industrial hemp by its THC content. In order for a cannabis plant to be considered hemp and not marijuana, it must have a THC concentration of 0.3 percent or less. This means won't get stoned off your own hemp, but you can produce a great full-spectrum CBD oil!
Why You Should Grow Hemp
Since hemp has such low amounts of THC, you may be wondering why to grow it in the first place. As we mentioned before, the other cannabinoids found in hemp are still hugely beneficial to the human body.
The CBD industry is booming and is projected to be worth over $11 billion by the end of 2023. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in cannabis plants that provides many great benefits. Since it is non-psychoactive, it has become incredibly popular.
The human brain has an endocannabinoid system (ECS) that produces and takes in various cannabinoids. The ECS also has a hand in emotional regulation and your sleep cycles. The introduction of CBD to the body essentially kicks the ECS into high gear, promoting healthy function.
You can make a good amount of money selling high-quality, trustworthy CBD and CBD products. CBD has many great benefits, from excellent pain management to helping to regulate mood.
Obtaining an Oregon Hemp License
Obtaining a license for growing hemp in Oregon is a pretty painless process. However, it does take some preparation.
First, you will need to register yourself as a hemp grower. This is where you'll inform the OLCC where you are growing your hemp and who is growing with you. After that, you will need to apply for an Oregon hemp certificate.
In order to apply for an Oregon hemp license, you must pay a $250 application fee upfront. This application fee is non-refundable. In addition, you'll need to pay a $1,000 certificate fee.
If you do not receive a certificate, you will get the $1,000 back. But the total amount upfront to apply for a hemp license is $1,250. The application also cannot be completed online: you will need to mail or deliver your payment and application to the OLCC.
You will also have to register with the OLCC if you end up expanding your growing site or lose any plants to pests, inclement weather, or other disasters. The OLCC will also test your hemp for pesticides and THC content before approving it for sale. Be ready to spend a lot of time with your local commissioner!
Regulations Around Growing Hemp
Oregon state government holds a pretty tight fist over the hemp growing industry. You must report how much land is dedicated to growing it, how much you produce, and there is a long list of pesticides and fertilizers that are forbidden to use on your hemp plants.
The Oregon Liquor Control Commission is responsible for the regulation of cannabis. They track your production via the Cannabis Tracking System, which you are automatically enrolled in when you receive your Oregon hemp license.
There are also regulations about how much hemp you can sell, even if it contains no psychoactive compounds. You can only sell this much product per person every 24 hours:
• 16oz of solid cannabinoid products (chocolate bars, gummies, etc)
• Five grams of cannabinoid extract or concentrate
• 72 fluid ounces of liquid cannabinoid (drinks, body oil, lotions)
• Four immature plants
If you do not follow these regulations, you will be at risk of losing your license and having to pay hefty fees. It isn't worth it!
Making the Most of Your Hemp Plants
Your hemp plants aren't only good for CBD oil! There are many uses for hemp; it's an ancient plant that has been grown for centuries and was only regulated so heavily after Nixon's smear campaign against cannabis.
Hemp grows quickly and nourishes the soil it grows in. It's considered a renewable resource due to its low environmental impact and quick growth. Here are a few other products you can get out of your hemp:
• Hemp fiber and textiles
• Hemp protein
• Hemp twine
• Hemp paper
• Hemp fiberboard and woody surfaces
• Hemp oil (different from CBD oil!)
Going into the hemp industry opens many doors to you. You may decide the CBD oil extraction process is too complicated, and start a brand of 100% hemp yarn instead. The world of hemp is totally open to you!
Grow Forth and Prosper
Living in Oregon gives you many opportunities to legally join the cannabis and hemp industry, as long as you're ready to be regulated. Dealing with all these different limitations may be frustrating, but they ensure that more people can enjoy better hemp products. Growing hemp is a gratifying and creative endeavor you're sure to enjoy.
Once you've obtained your Oregon hemp license, feel free to look through our website for other ways to help your business succeed in the digital age. We're proud to have dozens of instructional articles designed to propel you forward with your hemp, CBD, or cannabis business.