Are you looking to shine yourself in a new light? Do you want to use your image and turn it into a business? Maybe you want to show a more personable side to your company. Whatever the need, you'll want to build a personal brand.
Doing so can pay off in a big way. It can generate more leads and help you get higher sales conversions. Not to mention, you'll be on your way to building customer loyalty with your small business.
See below for several secrets that no one will tell you about building a personal brand on a budget. Be sure to use them all to your advantage when building a personal brand or business brand.
1. Commercial Printing Services Are Key
Even in an ever-growing online marketplace, there will always be a need for offline marketing tactics, such as marketing products. Without them, your personal brand will seem one-sided and won't generate as much intrigue as you're hoping for.
For that reason, it's important that you stock up on sales collateral for your brands such as flyers, packets, business cards, posters, stickers, calendars, letterheads, and branded envelopes.
All of these things (and more) can be achieved with commercial printing services. Be sure to strategize what type of print marketing you're looking for.
Print marketing keeps your staff accountable for building a personal brand. For example, by purchasing business cards, you're pushing yourself to go out to sales conventions, networking events, and other places to hand out those business cards.
Print marketing also goes a long way toward building brand recall. The more your prospects and clients see your logo, the more they'll connect with your personal brand.
2. Storytelling Is Essential
Maybe you're looking for ways to promote your personal brand in order to land your dream job. Perhaps you want to make your brand more relatable for your target market to generate more sales.
Whatever the case might be, storytelling is going to play a vital role. It shows the "why" behind your passion and makes it easier for people to connect with the message you're sending.
Storytelling is a way to kickstart your brand's image and have people build loyalty with what you're selling.
Look at Patagonia's clothing, for example. The use of storytelling in order to sell their company's mission, which is to create high-quality outdoor clothing without harming the environment.
By merely telling their story, they've made their brand attractive for two audiences: those looking for the finest outdoor clothing and those passionate about the environment.
Think of the story that you want to tell your audience. What are you trying to get them to do? How can your story and passion benefit them?
3. Commit Yourself to Social Media
Too many people and businesses looking to build a personal brand on social media but give up on it too easily. They're too inconsistent with their activity, which can turn people off to your brand entirely.
No matter how much or how little interaction you get with your target market, dedicate yourself to your social media outlets.
First, strategize with social media platforms you'll use. This could be LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or others. Some brands opt to use all of them, while others start out by focusing on 1 or 2 at a time, adding more when the time is right.
What's the key to getting more interaction on your pages? Push content besides your own.
Think of it this way, if you come across a new brand and visit their page just to find a bunch of posts that are pushing you to buy their products, you'll run for the hills. But a company that pushes other people's articles, products, and so on is intriguing.
4. Brainstorm Buyer Personas
Perhaps you've been attempting personal branding for a while now without any results. If so, then it could be due to the way you're presenting yourself or your brand. Maybe you didn't take the time to think through who you're revealing your brand to.
In that case, it's always a helpful exercise to build buyer personas. These are imaginary avatars that you create to help understand your clientele.
For example, if you're a workout supplement company, then you might create a buyer persona named Joe. Joe is around the age of 30 to 50, with kids and a full-time career on his hands.
He wants to be in shape but has a tough time prioritizing it with everything else he has to balance. Your company's personal brand can connect with "Joe" if you were once in his shoes.
Your supplements can help Joe, and others like him, take back control of their diet and figure. This is the power that building buyer personas can bring you. They help you connect the dots between your customers and pitching your personal brand.
5. Prioritize Streaming
If you want to connect with your target audience unlike ever before, then you have to join the streaming movement.
You can use things like Instagram Stories, Facebook Live, or Snapchat to talk and interact with your followers more often. This will help them put a face to the name of your company and build customer loyalty with your brand.
Remember, just like social media, you must stay committed to this. Simply putting out a few live streams won't do the trick, you have to dedicate yourself to doing it at least once a day.
Building a Personal Brand on a Budget
Now that you have seen several key ways to start building a personal brand while on a budget, it's time for you to get started. Be sure to follow all of these tips and tricks in order to find the right combination for your company.
Also, make sure to browse our website for more articles on building your company's personal brand, as well as many other helpful topics. Visit the Social Media, Influencer Marketing, SEO, and ORM sections of the Bootstrap Business Blog to maximize your results when building a personal brand on a frugal budget.