There is no doubt that the COVID-19 global pandemic has affected the business industry in significant ways. With so much of the workforce working remotely, business leaders are now leaning on technology more than ever to keep their staff connected. Without proper communication protocols in place during this time, it will be more difficult to conduct business effectively and efficiently. Here are four invaluable tools that you can use to boost your communication during this health and economic crisis.
Conference Calling
The traditional conference call has never been more important. If you do not have an international conference call program in place, now is the time to implement a solid plan to help to provide a platform for your staff to communicate. There are a number of conference calling plans to choose from, making it easy for you to find the plan that fits your company budget and needs. If you are unsure of how these plans work, you can schedule a demo to see how the plan will help your staff to stay on the same page.
Communication Software
There is no shortage of communication software platforms that business leaders can use to keep their staff in close connection throughout the workday. The leaders in this industry are Microsoft Teams and Slack. Both of these platforms allow you to communicate through an instant messaging system. This instant access is ideal for sharing ideas, checking for availability on calls, and for sharing documents and other work essentials. It also holds employees accountable to being available while working from home.
Project Management Software
In addition to communication software, you may want to consider implementing a new project management system that can be used completely online. An example of this type of platform is Jira. This software allows your employees to plan projects, work through the implementation, and follow up with the success all online. A project management software platform will help to guide the workday of all of your employees and keep everyone working on the same page. With a dedicated project management software system, you can use a standard workflow plan or you can create your own plan to meet your company's specific needs.
Company Cell Phones
One of the key cogs in any business communication protocol is the use of cell phones. Company-issued smartphones will give your employees another layer of communication, making it easy to stay in touch while working remotely. You also do not want to put the burden of paying for a personal smartphone on your employees during this time. Issuing these phones through the company will make it easier for everyone on your staff to stay in touch and will improve employee satisfaction.
Company Coronavirus Communication Conclusion
While there are many challenges presented during this unprecedented time, savvy business leaders will use it as an opportunity to boost their online communication. Keeping your employees connected will ensure that your business keeps running at optimal levels of productivity so that you are able to weather this economic crisis.